Thursday, July 2, 2009


One wonders how, in a country that became great by promoting the best through healthy competition, there ever **WAS** a New Haven firemen’s case and, even more so, how the devil it ever got to the Supreme Court. (Well, I guess, after all, jurisprudential incompetence and/or lunatic misconceptions account for that.)

One also wonders how a blockhead like Sotomayor, reversed FREQUENTLY by a sane Supreme Court, ever got to be nominated for that group or, in fact, to the oft-reversed chair she now occupies.

Finally, one wonders why it was that “no African-American and only two Hispanics were likely to be made lieutenants and captains based on …” a promotion exam. One wonders if they obviously inferior. One wonders how to account for that obvious inferiority. Anyone have a clue?

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