Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today I read that 5 congresspersons - guess which party - were arrested for civil disobedience during demonstrations in D.C. It is so eminently typical of liberals to place their views and themselves above the law; any means justifies their self-exalted assessment of what is correct. I imagine that among constituents that would elect their type, their popularity just zoomed.



If you have any sort of sympathy for traditional, sound, rational, moral family values, you ought to catch announcements from the American Family Association. See, for example, www.afajournal.org. In the May, 2009 edition of this newsletter I read on p. 9 how Planned Parenthood abortion factories break the laws and on p. 10 that the University of Wisconsin voted to perform second trimester abortions while making the ridiculous claim that while the horrible procedures will be performed at a state-supported institution, no state money will be involved! This sounds like B.O. talk; i.e., laughably stupid and paradoxical.

The AFA deals with far more than abortion, however, and you should have an eye-opening look for news that somehow or other doesn't find its way into ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and most of the sycophantic newspapers.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Lately, when a friendly postal clerk apprised me of the approaching rate increase, I said, “When the price of oil goes up, rates increase; when the price of oil falls, rates increase. What’s going on?”

“With the bad economy, people aren’t using the mail so much; they’re losing money,” she answered.

This view was corroborated by official Postal Nazi announcements of bad conditions, possible elimination of a day’s “service” each week, concatenation of carriers’ routes, etc., with the encouraging qualification, FEAR NOT, AMERICA; NO POSTAL EMPLOYEE WILL LOSE HIS/HER/ITS JOB!

Notice that in aforementioned bad times, when XYZ Corp. (fill in GM, Citibank, you name it) is having trouble, the first notice always includes “XYZ cuts n (fill in 1, 2, 10, you name it) thousand jobs.”

How does one explain that not only does the Postal “Service” avoid elimination positions, it raises our rates to preserve those that sensible, private companies would scotch? The easy answer follows.

Naturally, the Feds have several OFFICIAL bureaus of welfare, but every agency, department, office, you name it, is chock full of welfare recipients, incapable blockheads that hold high-paying, unneeded jobs because your tax rip-offs subsidize them.

Being cautious to avoid assault or murder, take a trip to Washington, DC, walk into the buildings, and have a look at what’s running YOUR government.

The dumbest of the liberals whine about the Defense Department budget, but so much of it is wasted on welfare/affirmative action hires, it’s a wonder we’ve GOT a defense. They hire the asymptotically deaf to answer phones and illiterates to work as secretaries or, more grandly, administrative assistants. Highly-educated professionals must do their own word-processing and photocopying, while the nominal secretaries send e-memo’s, make personal phone calls, eat high-calorie meals and snacks, and take coffee and cigarette breaks. Some of the affirmative action hires have nothing more to do than open outgoing mail to be sure it’s not personal.

I’ve spent many hours in those buildings and am confident you will find that much of this nasty, Gordian tangle of federal government, which, despite campaign lies, only burgeons is unadulterated welfare.

Why not try and do something about these continuous abuses. Get the feather-bedding, superfluous, unproductive – if not detrimental – creeps off our payrolls.


You may have noticed that our sorry excuse for a head of state, in concert with his left-wing legislature and advisors, is doing his damnedest to destroy the Bill of Rights. The latest attack, spearheaded by Homeland Security, every day sounding more like the Geheime Staats Polizei, and the lunatic Communists in the House, is on the First Amendment. These latter want to quench your right to express your sentiments by passing a law against it. Better look up your representative and make clear the obvious; viz., that this hate-crime legislation is a crock of horse shit. Meanwhile, H.S. seeks to label dissent with B.O.’s ill-begotten whims as “extremism.”

Are you unsympathetic towards queers? Well, damn you, you’re hate-oriented and extreme! Outspoken about the murder od unborn children? You’re a hate-oriented extremist, did you know? Had a belly full of being overrun by illegal aliens’ spoliation of the country. Sorry, you’re hate-oriented, too. It’s the same tactic that has served whining minorities for years; equate any well-reasoned criticism to hate. No one wants to be known for hatred, so criticism will be deracinated. Given leave, B.O. and his Gestapo gang would legislate your freedom of expression out of existence. The “thought crime” of 1984 is just around the corner.

For the moment, at least, a sane majority prevails in the Supreme Court, but 1 out of 3 braches of government is not a percentage to inspire confidence.

If you were one of the coney majority last November, are you pleased at watching your freedoms erode? The best you could do for 2010 is to get out on election day and cause some amends to the damage you’ve done.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I just formulated a test for deciding if a person is a truly, lunatic, onager liberal.

It is one that sees no inconsistency in two of B.O.’s positions; baby-murder, anytime, anywhere is AOK, whereas roughing up suspects of conspiracies to murder thousands of our citizens is forbidden!

The Commander-in-Chief that wouldn’t know a hand grenade from a B-2 has spoken. I’d say, “God help us,” but I wonder if this once-great country turned Him off long ago.

Anyone that voted for the lousy creep and his gang of America-underminers deserves to lose the privilege forever.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lately I read that an Israeli tv network included joking suggestions that Mary was impregnated by a school friend when she was 15 and that Jesus died at an early age because he was fat. The first segment depicted Jesus as an obese man, who could not have walked on water. The second segment described Mary as a promiscuous teenager and showed an extremely pregnant woman in pink underwear patting her exposed belly.

Not surprisingly – and in contrast to the many spineless bishops and priests – the Vatican protested strenuously. The TV show host, Lior Schlein – rhymes with swine – replied, “If they deny the Holocaust, we will deny Christianity.”

This is a reference, though an inaccurate one, to British-born Bishop Richard Williamson, who does NOT deny the murder of large numbers of Jews by the Nazis, but, as do others, challenges the number usually claimed and estimates 200,000 to 300,000. Thus, the slurs against Christianity appear to have been prompted by a dispute over the number of people murdered.

Let’s assume, though, that Bishop Williamson, who was, incidentally, consecrated by a radical, without papal authority, and excommunicated for a time, denied the whole thing. Schlein and company have no hesitation about imputing Williamson’s opinion to all Christians and consequently to retaliate against the entire group.

Let’s assume next that all Christians deny the whole thing. This is STILL quite a different matter from denying the validity of Judaism or parodying it. It would be, instead, denying a belief held by numbers of people that practice Judaism but which conviction has NOTHING to do with the tenets of their faith. Is the difference not obvious?

This is the, by now, well-worn tactic of massive and frenetic retaliation for a rather local disruption; criticize something one Jew has done or said, and some of them, at least, seek to extrapolate and misrepresent that to an attack on them all, charge that the critic has inveterate, prejudicial hatred for them, and scream for redress. It’s the same as the country’s military operations; a lunatic shoots a rocket that kills an Israeli, and they commence a large-scale war that kills a thousand of the others. When will the community of nations get enough of this nonsense and cease tolerating, if not rewarding them for their dangerous tantrums?

Saturday, April 4, 2009


**Friends, I don't usually recycle information here, but a reader passed the following item, along with permission to use it, to me.**

Debating an A.C.L.U. opponent 40 years ago, William Buckley quipped, “Why you defend more rights than the Constitution.” Over the years Mr. Buckley’s dismay must have burgeoned with bleats about welfare rights, reproductive rights, immigration rights, and homosexual rights.

Montana is marching in the Parade of Rights, too, with a constitution purporting to guarantee rights to privacy and dignity. In seeking to promote vague abstractions into the rank of rights, it allowed a Judge McCarter to favor the state with a very original piece of bench legislation, a law-making methodology undisclosed to us in Civics class.

With logic as impeachable as she is, the Judge reasoned that due to our right to dignity, physician – assisted suicide must be lawful, because how can one kill himself in a dignified manner without the trained hand of someone that took an oath to save lives? Anyone that thought law was mainly common sense can now abandon that position.

Look around, friends; we don’t have any Jefferson’s or Madison’s among our statespersons. Our statespersons cheat on their income taxes, wink at their marriage vows, solicit sex in men’s latrines, barter their souls and ours for campaign donations, and count among their buddies and mentors people that damn America and boast about their terrorist attacks on it. Let’s stick to the U.S. Constitution, all right? Real, dedicated Americans wrote it.

I’d like to add a pair of concluding remarks. First, the term “physician-assisted suicide” is a self-contradictory term, like “same sex marriage” invented to lend a patina of validity to a bogus concept. In this case the meaning of the Latin “sui” Is violated.

Lastly I want to mention Pope John Paul II. By his many brave examples he taught us how to live with dignity, and, when the time came, how to die with it. He met Death on its own terms, and Judge McCarter should observe how he defined “dignity” for her.