Sunday, December 7, 2008


If you’ll scroll back through these gems of mine, you’ll find an entry exhorting everyone just to be a decent person and expressing the view that such a conceptually simple resolve would improve this or any other country about a thousand-fold.

Juxtapose that simple advice with the scene of a barbaric mob’s trampling to death a poor employee at a Wal-Mart, not a long bicycle ride from our advertised and self-declared cultural, artistic, and literary Capital.

How does one explain barbarism in such a Great Plain of enlightenment and purported civilization? Why, it’s an easy matter. Think of people raised and obtaining their values in front of tv sets and in U.S. – supported, God-proof schools, with parents too occupied to inculcate civilized behavior upon their progeny or to pay much attention to what those children are doing.

Wake up, BLOCKHEADS! Raise your children into DECENT PEOPLE! Resist contrary forces.

That alone would make our country great again. Try it and see.

Yves Chauvire

P.S. Don't forget Pearl Harbor Day. Whoever thought it would happen again - but it did. Therefore, don't for a moment suspect that September 11, 2001 was the last attempt.

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