Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am relieved readers – if any. When B.O. promised change I could believe in –

Q: Can a dude that ends phrases with prepositions be trusted to meddle in education?

A: No!

- I, for one, was worried. Perhaps Jerry, the White-Hater, would be our U.N. Ambassador or Bill, the unrepentant terrorist turned distinguished, if disgusting, faculty member, might become Minister of Education.

However, it seems my fears were ill-founded, and B.O.’s concept of change is, in fact, a mundane, everyday thing. CHANGE, EDUCATIONAL REFORM, JOB CREATION, and ENERGY ENLIGHTENMENT have been packaged into a single, brilliant decision; all our schools need their light-bulbs changed!

Now, changing light-bulbs is believable even for us non-messianic citizens – I have done it several times – so we CAN believe in that change, right?

The rumor is that Reddy Kilowatt will be the new Secretary of Energy.

Yves Chauvire

P.S. I continue to feel anxious over just where Jerry and Bill will serve and hope B.O.’s “team” decides soon. Folks, when you voted for a know-nothing, you didn’t expect much in the way of solo decision-making, did you? I remember when B.O. derogated Pres. Bush for taking the advice of military advisors and said he would make such decisions himself – or did he say “hisself?” Heaven forbid!

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