Monday, December 29, 2008


I just saw another fallacious reference to our "first black president."

Why are Americans so illiterate? The correct term for B.O. is "mulatto," defined as someone with one white parent, one black. The president elect had one of each, right?, and from I know of them, it looks as if he got his ration of smarts from the white side, and I don't mean Sheridan. :-)

Happy New Year from Yves.

Friday, December 26, 2008


For one famous aphorism credited to him it was as with a number of aspects of John F. Kennedy; viz., only later did the truth become known. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country,” was not of his devising, but it was very apt and, today more than ever, should be branded on each of our foreheads.

This became clear to me several days prior to November’s disastrous election. I happened to see on television one of John McCain’s town hall meetings somewhere in the Northeast. About 90% of the audience’s questions took the form, “Well, Senator, I’m a _________. If you become President, what will you do for ___________s?” Fill in the blanks with whatever occupation or special interest you like.

When and how did we become a nation of beggars? Was it by watching decades of unbelievable welfare programs, under which money was squandered in every direction without any sort of accountability requirements? With the economic sad tidings the panhandlers are crawling out of the woodwork; there are more open palms than one finds in Hawaii. Everyone, many that brought about their own misfortunes, is feigning helplessness and whining for gratuities.

Historically this country was noted for initiative, perseverance, ingenuity, and brutally hard work. Where have they gone? When did they sublimate? I once asked a man that was relating his difficulties during the Great Depression if there had not been welfare then. “Sure,” he said, “but most people were too proud to take it.” Nowadays whole groups of people are exhorted to be proud of attributes over which they have NO control. We should begin a national program of instilling pride, again, in qualities we DO control.

The other side of President Kennedy’s borrowed wisdom is that people should do things for their country – it should be required. With the abolition of the draft there is no requirement to contribute our time and talents for the benefit of the country. Many citizens do this, but most do not. We should be required to do something to preserve and improve these United States of America. Take a moment to think about other nations where you might be living and then consider whether or not this one is worth your effort.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Or Merry whatever you celebrate this time of year - except Kwanzaaa, or however it's spelled, which is just a nonsensical, sham contrivance.

Best wishes for the New Year, too. I expect we'll need lots of luck.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Based on all the Internet circulants I see, Chicago must have about the worst public school system in the cosmos. Certainly, B.O., the Pres-elect, and Michelle, Worst Lady-elect don’t favor it for their children. (Ever notice how the wildest of the onager ( = a wild ass; if you were so unlucky as to have missed it, see a previous post here.) will throw more money at “education” (see if you can discover how much of it actually goes for that) than the “educational” bureaucracy can wisely spend and pass every law they can conceive to force your kids to attend them, their own little darlings go to private schools?)

At ny rate, B.O. has selected for his Educational Team Captain the boss of this purported WORST system! How can that be? Could the Messiah err? Voters, when you elect someone with no experience and only local, dubious contacts, whom do you expect him to choose?

Chicago is a s(t)inking ship, folks, but some of the rats seem to have sneaked down ropes to infest the shore. Better start checking into private schools, right?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am relieved readers – if any. When B.O. promised change I could believe in –

Q: Can a dude that ends phrases with prepositions be trusted to meddle in education?

A: No!

- I, for one, was worried. Perhaps Jerry, the White-Hater, would be our U.N. Ambassador or Bill, the unrepentant terrorist turned distinguished, if disgusting, faculty member, might become Minister of Education.

However, it seems my fears were ill-founded, and B.O.’s concept of change is, in fact, a mundane, everyday thing. CHANGE, EDUCATIONAL REFORM, JOB CREATION, and ENERGY ENLIGHTENMENT have been packaged into a single, brilliant decision; all our schools need their light-bulbs changed!

Now, changing light-bulbs is believable even for us non-messianic citizens – I have done it several times – so we CAN believe in that change, right?

The rumor is that Reddy Kilowatt will be the new Secretary of Energy.

Yves Chauvire

P.S. I continue to feel anxious over just where Jerry and Bill will serve and hope B.O.’s “team” decides soon. Folks, when you voted for a know-nothing, you didn’t expect much in the way of solo decision-making, did you? I remember when B.O. derogated Pres. Bush for taking the advice of military advisors and said he would make such decisions himself – or did he say “hisself?” Heaven forbid!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


If you’ll scroll back through these gems of mine, you’ll find an entry exhorting everyone just to be a decent person and expressing the view that such a conceptually simple resolve would improve this or any other country about a thousand-fold.

Juxtapose that simple advice with the scene of a barbaric mob’s trampling to death a poor employee at a Wal-Mart, not a long bicycle ride from our advertised and self-declared cultural, artistic, and literary Capital.

How does one explain barbarism in such a Great Plain of enlightenment and purported civilization? Why, it’s an easy matter. Think of people raised and obtaining their values in front of tv sets and in U.S. – supported, God-proof schools, with parents too occupied to inculcate civilized behavior upon their progeny or to pay much attention to what those children are doing.

Wake up, BLOCKHEADS! Raise your children into DECENT PEOPLE! Resist contrary forces.

That alone would make our country great again. Try it and see.

Yves Chauvire

P.S. Don't forget Pearl Harbor Day. Whoever thought it would happen again - but it did. Therefore, don't for a moment suspect that September 11, 2001 was the last attempt.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I notice that our media-appointed and media-anointed Agent of Change plans to create 2.5M new jobs. Properly executed that would be an excellent idea, but since it’s highly unlikely that B.O., Michelle, (Worst Lady-elect), Jeremiah, (the hate-suffused Christian), Bill the Bomber, the Clintoon re-treads (change a-plenty there, I’m sure), and the Harvard advisors will manage that, I, Yves Chauvire, will share my plan.

My goal is a little different, in that I would concentrate on adding 2.5M NEW, U.S. CITIZEN EMPLOYEES to the work force.

Step 1. Round up and deport 2.5M employed, illegal aliens. Since that is a small fraction of the total infesting the country, finding that number should be trivial. They could probably be netted in Los Angeles, alone. Thus, immediately 2.5M jobs are vacant. If I were orchestrating the purge I would concentrate on places like New York City and San Francisco, whose mayors have decided them to be havens for these undesirables. Trampling down their cardboard, fake resolutions would be a great pleasure and, of course, legal for the feds.

The next step has various options, and one chooses depending upon other objectives.

Step 2a. To employ new people AND reduce welfare throw-away, not likely a consideration of a partial black from one of the welfare capital cities of the country, we insert able-bodied welfare slobs , a population also FAR in excess of 2.5M, so we can be choosy. This option has another, subordinate feature in that, having to work, these folks will have less time for lying on sofas, drinking beer, eating fatty foods(unhealthy for the body), being hypnotized by Oprah Winfrey (unhealthy for the mind), and creating a new generation of ABWS’s.

Step 2b. To realizing benefits different to those of 2a, we take a page from China’s success story – is anything made here now? - and substitute jail and prison inmates (quite a few also being illegal aliens, we’re told) into the jobs vacated by the illegal aliens. We still have the able-boded welfare slobs to support, but the inmates get no pay, so there’s a savings.

Step 2c. The most costly alternative is to hire out-of-work people that are neither incarcerated, IA’s, nor ABWS’s

Compute the costs and benefits of any of my plans and compare them to what B.O. & Co. eventually decide. If we still have a country in 2012, write in my name for Pres.; I’m a “bona fide,” born-in-the–U.S. guy, whereas there is doubt about B.O.’s credentials in this line of documentation, and can save us a bundle, not to mention restore what’s being frittered away.

If Step 2a. were implemented, and even if it isn’t, we still require secure borders. ABWS’s should be able to handle that task, as many of them are great, as crime stats show, at shooting people. Otherwise, I would execute another stroke and transfer most of the T.S.A. airport Nazi’s away from harassing crippled women in wheel chairs and fondling people with pace-makers and defibrillators and put THEM on the border.

Whatever we do down there, if it doesn’t involve armed guards, it’s no good. These laughable technological sensors aren’t worth a nickel, though they cost in the upper, multiples of millions, AT LEAST.

To summarize, if you still have the right to vote in 2012, my name is Yves Chauvire, and you needn’t even bother with the squiggle over the final “e.”