Sunday, November 30, 2008


Organized Queerdom, O.Q., agitates militantly for more research spending towards an AIDS cure. They resemble advocates for over-the-counter abortions and feticides; irresponsible people that crave remedies to fill the vacancies where their will powers, morals, and sense should be.

If you’ve been around Washington, D.C. you might have been disgusted by O.Q.’s marching and flaunting its AIDS quilt with a patch, supposedly (or is it like the six million?), for each fatality from it. If there were a breast cancer quilt it would cover the entire Capital, not just some grass on the Mall.

AIDS rightly has been called the world’s most preventable disease, and here’s how to avoid it.

1. Don’t use another person’s hypodermic needle.
2. Don’t accept/present a penis from/to a person or monkey that might have it.

Is that straightforward or not? Does it take more than a one-digit IQ to understand them?

The United States and Billionaire Gates squander boxcars of money on the so-called AIDS epidemic in Africa, whereas the only explanations possible for the ongoing problem there are irreversible stupidity or complete immorality. How many times must a person be told the simple rules for avoidance?

Is it any different in this country? The only two explanations for the continuation of the disease are the same as for Africa or anywhere else. As we must have learned from about a trillion unsuccessful projects in this country, spending money on the irreversibly stupid does not enlighten them, nor does tossing it at those without morals deliver them that commodity. Much of all the welfare throw-away falls exactly into those categories. Therefore, to hell with spending money and expertise attempting to find a cure for the trivially preventable. Let’s divert those research funds to a more worthy objective.

Consider the myriad, devastating diseases, often with tongue-twisting names – let abracadabritis = ACB denote any one of these. Two conditions will be true of it.
(a) A SWAG (Scientific Wild-Ass Guess) is as close as anyone can come to its aetilogy.
(b) No one has even much of a SWAG about what might assuage its symptoms, let alone cause them.

ACB comes out of the blue, ravages anyone from a baby to a senior citizen, ruins his life, possibly kills him, and not enough research money is devoted to ACB even to help someone with it.

Let’s start working to cure innocent disease victims that merit help and write off the morons and wantons.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Given the cognizance of reality and the sense of righteousness they apparently lacked, the majority of our voters already would have doubts about the sagacity of their presidential preference.

First, B.O., leader, with Harvard “experts” and Clintoon hacks, of Revolutionary Change rather fumbled the ball with Poland, but I understand he dispatched canny Joe Biden to try and recover. Lately, he broadcast his profound ignorance, if not stupidity, in wondering about his medical benefits after bailing out of the senate seat he occupied a time or two. This is the person that will revamp our system of medical insurance? Whoopee. Does the Architect of Change even know how to apply a Band-Aid to the foot already in his mouth?

Don’t lose heart yet, though, majority of voters. B.O.’s Senior Advisor is a real estate agent from Chicago that once hired the charming Michelle and worked with Mayor Daley! Those are credentials to inspire confidence. If B.O. is boggled by his medical insurance forms, the definition of a missile, negotiations with Putin, or other everyday obligations, he may get advice from Century 21 or Re/Max.

Lots of people lament, at least when it’s profitable, belonging to a minority, but I’m pleased to be free of the ignominy of having voted with the BLOCKHEAD majority.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The 141-day wonder, B.O. by name and President-elect by decree of the majority of our population voting in the recent election, has begun making his predicted and predictable rumblings.

STEM CELL RESEARCH! Let’s murder some babies so that people that have had good lives might, far from certainly, have a little more. Christopher Reeve, tragic poster-boy for this thrust, was an idolized millionaire, had a terrible accident and a miserable road to death. We notice, though, that he clung tenaciously even to the life apportioned him. Apparently, he favored that life more than he longed for an end to it. Would you rather have had his existence or that of a helpless, blind, living, breathing little creature murdered surgically or chemically and tossed into a wastebasket or a research lab? Would you like to be one of those abortion-surviving babies subject to experiments while still alive? If you voted for B.O. there’s just one way to infer your answers.

Do you take comfort that your vote spelled certain death for LIVING persons that, permitted the INALIENABLE RIGHT to LIFE, may have grown up to improve life a thousand-fold for all the people? B.O. voters that bandy about the word “right” should think carefully about that.

If you have the heart and the stomach for it, look at for some graphic illustrations of the procedures your boy, along with “Catholics” like Pelosi, Kerry, and Biden, champions.

EASE OF ABORTIONS ABROAD! On this front, too, B.O. will executive-order lots of death, he promises. Need I say more?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Several days ago I read on Yahoo or another coastal, revolutionary webtrashpage that B.O. is quite relaxed when speaking on the topic of race. What a revelation! Well he might be, for race is the ONE and ONLY attribute that propelled him into the White House! Bereft of that ½ blessing the guy would probably be, through Affirmative Action, merely another of our jillion or so pettifoggers. Totally deprived of AA that particular AA might be riding on the backs of garbage trucks!

I was instantly reminded of a magazine cover, picturing semi-actor Danny Glover above a quotation along the lines of, “Every day of my life, I realize what it is to be black.” Oh, poor Danny Boy! If you weren’t, no one ever would have heard of you. You’d probably be repainting cars, completing tax forms for H & R Block, teaching something in some sort of school, mowing lawns, working for the BLM, HUD, the DoD, retired, drawing unemployment, or holding down another sublunary job like the majority of us never splashed on magazine covers.

You and B.O. have reaped valuable harvests from the curse of being non-white. The difference is that when you turn in a bad or mediocre performance, who cares? You’ve done it repeatedly without loss of income or status. With B.O. at our helm, though, you and I might be out raking through the rubble of what were once our shares of a great country.

Truly, I’ve had a belly full of Affirmative Action and watching incompetents soar above their talents then bungle their jobs, while we’re supposed to be content that they feel well about themselves and are doing “their bests.” However, the voters, such as they are, have spoken or, at least, attorned to the likes of Yahoo, Public Television, and Oprah Winfrey.

Monday, November 10, 2008


If you’ve suffered the loss of a loved one, you certainly also know the spirit of incredulity that haunts for a long time afterward, perhaps forever, the recollection of that person.

“Surely she’s not dead; she just CAN’T be!”

It’s the same, cold disbelief that grips my realization that, come January, Curious George will occupy the oval office (or after 141 days or so, will he start running for Pope?): that in the East Room, personable, patriotic Michelle will preside over glittering dinners for heads of state; and that Air Force One will transport someone about as capable to lead and make decisions as a random pick from Roosevelt Road in Chicago. Believe it or not, though, it’s true. A considerable majority of the voters embraced the image that ungodly expensive television commercials and love-sick news sources bludgeoned into their weak heads.

I thought it would be interesting to consider his perceptible characteristics, his campaign rhetoric, his mostly “present” voting career in the Illinois legislature, and his less than 5-month association with the U.S. Senate and attempt to infer just who would have voted for him. Not necessarily in order of importance my conclusions follow.

Career panhandlers. B.O.’s frequent pledge to allocate what you’ve worked to earn among those that studiously avoid work was a powerful inducement to this crew.
Individuals with Harold Washington or Edwin Edwards – electorate/ O.J. Simpson - murder trial jurors’ rationality. “So what if he’s a felon?” “So what if he’s a murderer?” “Damn the evidence; full speed ahead.” One wonders, in fact, if voters like these don’t find something attractive about certain known criminals and support them BECAUSE of their sins. Perhaps voters like these have the same tendencies to crime.
Baby-murderers. It is in relation to abortion that B.O.’s only assertive Illinois vote occurred. It wasn’t “present” for the issue of life support to a wretched little baby-murder survivor, it was “make damned sure the creature doesn’t survive.”
Unpatriotic people, especially those that vociferously condemn their country or that work violently to injure it.
Those that would prefer to battle terrorism in Washington, D.C., New York City, Denver, or Dallas than in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, and the like.
Citizens that, despite its inglorious collapse and failure in much of the civilized world, persist in longing for Communism or something close.
Empty heads that allowed Oprah Winfrey, PBS, ABC, CBS, Yahoo, etc. to tell them how to vote. This category deserves to lose the right to vote.
“Fringies” is my best effort at a name for this group, but it consists of people that will champion ANY notion, so long as it exceeds the bounds of decency and reason in this country in contemporary times. Both groups 6 and 7 may have as objectives mere vandalism; i.e., ruthlessly tearing down what we have for no particular reason, just for the joy of unprincipled revolution, or there may be $ in it for them. At any rate, here we find people such as former Supreme Court disasters as William O. Douglas, Earl Warren, and Thurgood Marshall; Gary Trudeau, world’s least humorous but most rabidly leftwing cartoonist (Gary, Sweetie, had I been President, your representation of me via a swastika would have earned you my visit, at which I either would have pounded with my fists your scummy ass into the dirt or made you retract in public your slanders – your choice, of course.); Hugh Heffner, wealthy pornographer and intellectual moron, or most anyone belonging to the ACLU or to Horrywood. The boundaries between 6. and 8. are blurred, and I may have misclassified some specimens. The reader is invited to make his own adjustments.
Perpetual Race Debtors. These misguided souls believe that after more YEARS than B.O. served DAYS in the U.S. Senate before someone persuaded him to cash in on the ranks of the gullible, they STILL owe blacks and partial blacks some sort of compensation for what their dim (meaning in long-passed times) ancestors suffered.

Regarding these categories of electors I can best all the political pundits and, at this early date, predict the winner of the 2012 presidential election – assuming that B.O. has not programmed our destruction and that we still exist and have one. Of course, it’s B.O. again! FOUR MORE YEARS! The reason is obvious; his crucial basis for support, enumerated above, are GUARANTEED to propel him into office again. Life forms in those classes, caring nothing for what he has done and not done, will not give two hoots what he has done and not done between 2009-2012. Once again they will vote according to the group attributes enumerated above.

Recently the Worst Lady – elect decided that her worthless husband’s nomination was the first time she had ever been proud of her country. (Apparently when Princeton eliminated a qualified applicant in favor of a stupid, affirmative action pig that had failed her entrance exam didn’t count.) I would like to counter that B.O.’s election was the first time I had NOT been proud of my country, but there were two others; when it elected the obscene, womanizing clown from Arkansas. I didn’t want to continue living among people that would elect a known jerk, but unlike Horrywood gutter balls like Basinger and Baldwin, who swore they’d abscond if G.W. Bush became President, I couldn’t afford to move.

My present loss of pride in my country, though, is orders of magnitude greater than it was then. I am ashamed, ill, and angry to be one of them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


DECEMBER 7, 1941
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
NOVEMBER 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008


Fellow citizens,

Scarcely a day passes without a new, louche feature of B.O.'s life surfacing. Credential-wise, of course, he has no business running for any office, let alone the Presidency, but now there is a suspicion that he fails even to meet the Constitution's criterion of birth in the U.S.! Further, we see why he's so reticent on the topic of illegal aliens - his aunt IS one!

Every aspect of the man proves to be fake, phony, and false, if not outright deplorable. There's nothing good there. He's a face and a voice on television, but every fact that filters through the concerted attempts to hide them reveals a new doubt, a fatal flaw.

Think for yourselves! Don't cripple our country with that charlatan. Vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. They are people of substance and not the fabrications of public relations manipulators.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


John McCain and Sarah Palin are capable, decent, experienced people with the personal values which have made this country what it is. Their associates and relations are the same kinds of people, there is nothing obscure or guarded about their pasts, and their records are public and not concealed by the press.

A vote for their opposition is an invitation to disaster.

With all sincerity,

Yves Chauvire