Friday, August 30, 2013

WORKPLACE VIOLENCE - A NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZER'S ASSESSMENT ***** Yes, that's what B.O., whose only professional experience is as a N.O. (For hidden reasons he and the Worst Lady are both barred from practicing law.) called the Fort Hood massacre. An armed Muslim murders a collection of unarmed Westerners, but our semi-Muslim Putzident couldn't see any other pattern in the atrocity. This is the bigotry and mendacity charged with leading our once-great nation. Now that the "suspect" has been convicted, the question is how to punish him. He claims to want death, and one wonders if this is the Brer Rabbit ploy or if the murderer is hankering after the rewards Allah has in store for him in Paradise, as he did for the 9/11 terrorist murderers. Allah, indeed, moves in strange ways. I say the present killer should be given life imprisonment, so that he can sit, deprived of heavenly pleasures, for decades in his wheel chair in solitary confinement. Maybe for diversion his guards could micturate 10-12 times per day on copies of the Koran, aka the terrorists' manual.

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