Wednesday, August 28, 2013

GIVE-AWAYS TO OBSCURE HIS DISASTERS + GET VOTES **** B.O. 's latest camouflage effort is to barnstorm college campuses - in a bus, thank goodness; his profligacy with air travel for himself and family are another scandal - plugging for federal give-aways to allow the student population to increase, which, of course, would have the useful by-product of helping unemployment data. If there is one thing this country doesn't need it's more college students. What it does need is a greater fraction of its college students to have TANGIBLE MAJORS, but we've quite enough illiterates packing away degrees in Student Union, Psychology, and Multi-Cultural Studies, three of many examples which contribute only to ex-student indebtedness and unemployment. This "everyone must attend college" bleat is 100% rot. The nation would be miles ahead with fewer graduates in Women's Studies and more citizens capable of repairing air-conditioners and automobile engines and taking over the landscaping jobs so attractive to criminal aliens.

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