Wednesday, August 28, 2013

HOLDER, THE GREAT PARDONER **** I first took notice of Holder, when, as a Klintoon underling, he was in charge of putting some vicious criminals back on the streets at the end of Corona Bill's residence in the White House . The Affirmative Action head of the "Justice" Department now wants to clog the streets with additional junkies and dope peddlers by reducing penalties for various narcotic crimes. He must be drawing upon the South Side of Chicago as a model for law enforcement. As I have observed previously in these blogs, building many more new prisons and incarcerating MORE criminals for longer sentences would not only make life safer for the non-criminals but act as a tremendous stimulus to the economy, something B.O. has yet to manage.

GIVE-AWAYS TO OBSCURE HIS DISASTERS + GET VOTES **** B.O. 's latest camouflage effort is to barnstorm college campuses - in a bus, thank goodness; his profligacy with air travel for himself and family are another scandal - plugging for federal give-aways to allow the student population to increase, which, of course, would have the useful by-product of helping unemployment data. If there is one thing this country doesn't need it's more college students. What it does need is a greater fraction of its college students to have TANGIBLE MAJORS, but we've quite enough illiterates packing away degrees in Student Union, Psychology, and Multi-Cultural Studies, three of many examples which contribute only to ex-student indebtedness and unemployment. This "everyone must attend college" bleat is 100% rot. The nation would be miles ahead with fewer graduates in Women's Studies and more citizens capable of repairing air-conditioners and automobile engines and taking over the landscaping jobs so attractive to criminal aliens.