Friday, May 17, 2013


This excuse for a government, this BADministration, not only tolerates the circulation among us of millions of law-breaking, criminal aliens, it goes advertising in Mexico so as to recruit more of the leeches. Incredibly, then, at the same time, it attacks a poor little German family seeking protection from the tyrranical edicts and punishments of a foreign government. Whereas I thought this country stood for the protection of the oppressed, it now actively persecutes helpless people depending upon it. Someone ought to drape the Statue of Liberty in mourning attire.

Holder, continuing to ignore a contempt of congress citation for his coverup of the Mexican drug lord gun-running scheme he and B.O. engineered, and elsewhere violating his oath of office to defend our laws, now actively interferes in a court decision in order to harass a family that seeks only to educate its children at home.

Whereas our federal courts often operate as if the Constitution were written by L. Frank Baum and the Brothers Grimm, one now becomes microscopic in its interpretation of what "asylum" means.

If you pay attention to some of the garbage propagated in our own schools and their ever-declining standards and results, you ought to be a big fan of home-schooling.

For the sake of decency and individual rights, let this family remain here and do as it pleases about conscientiously educating its children.

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