Saturday, May 25, 2013


New York's Mayor Boombag has advice for everyone, and lately he counseled some high school grads that they should avoid college and become plumbers, because they would earn more money that way. Of course, people should be motivated by considerations more profound than paycheck size, but there was some latent wisdom in his remark.

A person would do much better towards earnming a living for himself by becoming a plumber than in wasting resources obtaining a degree is, say, X studies, where X = women's, black, multi-cultural, or some other bogus type; psychology; criminal justice; or sociology. These are disciplines selected by people that go off to college to shoot drugs, attend football games, and get laid, not by those impelled by a desire to form useful lives and make positive contributions to the world. Plumbers do that, whereas folks fit only to join protest marches don't.

Now, if we could just get Boombag to believe in the Bill of Rights.

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