Friday, December 21, 2012


[Blessed Antonia Maria Verna (1773 - 1838)] "... undertook an apostolate of teaching and catechizing children, motivated by her determination to rescue the young from the corrupting influences of an increasingly immoral, rationalistic, and anti-religious culture."

Good heavens, what would she think of the swamp in which we live?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


First of all, it's not a prejudicial word - unless you're some sort of lunatic, a species in which our country abounds. No, you can check the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains nothing obsene or insulting. It's a handy term for people like B.O., who is not black and not white. Also useful are "quadroon" and "octoroon," but checking those is left as an exerciise for the reader. At any rate, I digress.

Our government is chock ful of mulattoes, all preferring to be called "black" when it seems advantageous, and we ought to review their performance.

1. Susan Rice made quite a sensation as she splashed a stupid lie about the Libya debacle all over the news media. Otherwise, she's been quietly incompetent.

2. Charles Bolden pilots NASA into the category of museum pieces with nothing new's ever happening and a general erosion of capability; at this time, we can't even GET INTO space without somone else's rocket. How could we regress so much in 45 years?

3. Holder is nothing more than a gangster: running guns into the hands of the drug barbarians in Mexico, ingnoring his own contempt of congress citation, selectively and unfairly enforcing envoronmental laws in favor of the wind industry (and consequently violating his oath of office), pardoniong vicious criminals (back in Klintoon's time)

4. In the way of violating his oath of office, B.O., the mulatto to whom the others report, is tops, though; absolutely the least competent thug ever to inhabit the White House. If we had to have a mulatto, why couldn't someone have recruited a random unit off the sidewalk. This would have been far less deleterious.

Affirmative Action pays us big dividends, right?

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Why be surprised when someone that makes his living as a vicious thug murders, rapes, or otherwise brutalizes an innocent citizen?

Some professional football players were vicious thugs even before they became student-athletes, during which period of non-education - listen to some of them speak and ask yourself how such a booby ever got into an institution of higher learning - their crimes and excesses were routinely ignored, minimized, or condoned. Being a vicious thug is an advantage, and look at the crowds; plenty of vicious thugs among them, too.

Profiteering morons like ESPN deify the vicious thugs, and morons on sofas lap it up and believe.

Just don't be astonished when someone that has been encouraged and hired to be a vicious thug brings his profession into daily life. As you sow, so shall you reap; i.e., one gets what he's bought.


Twenty poor children are victims of senseless murder, and the nation comes to a grief-stricken stop, as it should.

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF UNBORN CHILDREN are victims of senseless murder every year here, and the nation says "so what?", because the majority of nine people once ruled that the senseless murder of the unborn is legal, that the Constitution permits it.

Is it so much worse to murder a five-year-old than a child within a couple of months or weeks or days of birth and a certain, normal life?

The Neighborhood Organizer weeps over the twenty, as well he should, but had he tears when he voted AGAINST bringing life-saving rescue to children that had survived the senseless attempted murder of abortion? No.

Perhaps if this country returned to the respect of unborn life, it would stop being visited by the relatively small tragedies like yesterday's.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Actually, I didn't require a panel of experts to tell me that NASA had become extinct; the only interesting announcements from there pertain to projects prior to B.O.'s reign. NASA's products are primarily museum pieces now, and the Agency was far more vital 45 years ago than it is today.

For a head it has an Affirmative Action hire with zero capability for directing a scientific agency, and he reports to another Affirmative Action hire whose only capability is organizing neighborhoods. B.O.'s budget priorities are meals for kids with mothers too stupid, lazy, or negligent to know how to prepare food, free cell phones for the same crowd, and trillion-dollar kickback throw-aways on GREEN energy companies with failure emblazoned on them from day 1.

NASA, once upon a time, provided a stimulus to technical education, to industrial employment, and to product development, all of which means more jobs, employment, and more motivation to American children for the advancement of the U.S. and for all mankind.

NASA, once a proud, exciting, productive, promising organization that brought Americans together behind meaningful projects, is disintegrating into another Federal Debacle like the P.O., Education, Housing, and all the other wretched WELFARE PITS.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


When the hurricane had plastered his state, Gov. Christie probably saw his statement about having more important matters on his hands than presidential politics as the bold, valiant proclamation of a great leader and bait for a million votes the next time - only a matter of time - that he runs for an office.

It was, however, stupidly fatuous and incapable of him, for which is more crucial for the inhabitants of NJ or of any other state; suffering a storm's ravages, which is invariably ameliorated in time or having their country 1) lose Constitutional government 2) drown in a tidal wave of pixilated spending 3) succumb to incompetent, scheming, lying administrators, chosen with racist  standards and 4) sink into a 3rd world, globalized abyss of mediocrity, to name several of the consequences of B.O.?.

Those were some of the issues in the latest round of presidential politics; anyone failing to perceive that isn't fit to govern.