Saturday, September 22, 2012


Is it too late for a poweful slogan? What on earth is "Believe in America" supposed to mean? It's vapid, it's polite, but it says nothing.  How about




I'LL DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION                                  Get the idea?

In a radio interview I once heard Mr. Romney say (about B.O), "He's a nice guy, but ..."

There's a serious blunder in the opening phrase; HE IS NOT A NICE GUY, ANYTHING BUT!

Several examples to hammer 24/7. A nice guy does NOT

1. pal around with domestic terrorists
2. use as a mentor an America-hating excuse for a minister of God
3. plot to ship weapions to Mexico's barbaric drug barons and then hide like a lying sissy behind so-called executive privilehge
4. grant legal status to about a million scumbag illegal aliens
5. manage a department of "justice," the primary mission of which is to guarantee a horde of fraudulent voters
6, violate his oath of office every day by trampling on the Constitution and refusing to enforce laws
7. allow our space program to degenerate into a history lesson
8. confiscate, Venezuelan style, corporations
9. compile a debt that can never be paid and continue daily to increase it
10. resign his right to practice law
11. spend tax money on phoney energy corporations mainly for the purpose of deriving kickbacks
12. kow-tow to murderous Muslims
13. carry on the most vigorous campaing of baby-murder ever witnessed here
14. strive to make us second - rate with everything he says and does

I could continue for PAGES. This is the the most malignant creep ever to inhabit the White House, and I would not stop enumerating the reasons for that until I had reached every voter in our once-great nation.

Have we become so brainwashed and government-coerced to fear criticizing every Negro, that this example with no past, who is about 99% certain to be foreign-born, can strut around without being bombarded with the evidence of his malfeasance? Wake up! Play hardball! Tell the TRUTH! The number one issue is a candidate's character, and B.O. hasn't any.

Furthermore, here's my recommended debate format. Candidates alternate in asking the opponent one question at at time, for which he has two minutes to answer. There are no advance lists of topics and no prepared pitches.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Fanatical Muslims, probably a significant fraction of the totality of them, are always spoiling for an excuse to riot, and attacking our embassies because of a bit of nonsense produced by someone that happens to live in our country was quite in the characrter of barbarians seeking to commemorate the atrocities of the same day over a decade ago. Wasn't it in Lousy Libya where the freed bombing murderer of several hundred innocent airplane passengers was given a hero's welcome?

Typically, our semi-Muslim, semi-white figurehead, B.O., and his BADministration were swift to bow and grovel for Muslim forgiveness. Furthermore, they were entirely culpable for the state of no defenses in which our personnel were murdered. I could carve a better government out of a banana, and these rotten excuses for reporters and journalists that don't flay him with embarrassing questions are just as loathesome.

Yes, about the title; I was recalling how fanatical African-Americans, the fraction here is also a good question, once seized any opportunity to stage riots, which seemed mainly vehicles for looting stores, especially those selling electronics. I believe the two groups have much in common.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Our foreign embassies are equipped with security guards, and it is a tragic outrage that an ambassador is murdered in what counts as his own country by a rag-tag mob of filthy, barbarous Muslims. If they want to act like rabid dogs, they should be treated in kind and shot dead in their disgraceful tracks. Let's set some examples and serve notice that we'll never again abide attacks on our property.

Further, anyone so stupid as to believe that crowd will ever behave civilly should be laughed to scorn. This facical excuse for a faith has shown no signs of moderation in 1400 years, so why should it be expected ever to do so? Fight fire with fire; DEFEND OUR PERSONNEL!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


He was the first of what may be the most select subset of mankind; those that have stood upon the moon.

He was always swift to deny it as an individual achievement, and, indeed, it was the fruition of a huge team's effort, but just think - the first man on the moon!

After his days with NASA, he maintained his interest in the U.S. space program, and it is significant that not long ago, he and other astronauts expressed disapproval of the direction it has taken, if stagnation can be dignified with that term. At the moment, we haven't even a way to get into space.

It was thrilling, not to mention a stimulus to science, engineering, education, manufacturing, and the economy to have our country's reaching ever higher, expanding the boundaries of humankind's existence. To have exciting, important goals and to accomplish them brings spirit and unity to the thinking members of a society.

Like other parts of government, NASA is now under the titular control of an affirmative action hire. Charles Bolden was unquestionably an adept pilot and astronaut, but where did he acquire the expertise to guide a scientific agency? Answer - he didn't. It's like imagining that a neighborhood organizer accrues the qualities needed to govern a country.

Bolden once enumerated all the attributes in which he differed from the typical astronaut and pointed to them as a mark of his excellence. In fact, his was just another case where dissimilarity was the primary reason for advancement.

Rest in peace, Neil Armsrrong, but we need more like you.

The Eagle has passed, and we are left with crows.

Monday, September 3, 2012


First, check a good dictionary for the primary meaning of "sophistication."

Horrywood constantly excuses the rot and filth it perpetrates with some expression such as "Why, that's the way the world is; we're just showing reality." Anyone with the brain God gives geese, however, sees through that facade. People watch the fiction that Horrywood weaves and then conclude it must be OK to act rotten and filthy because that's the way the world is supposed to be.

Along those lines, John Henry Newman had this to say " ,,, in spite of all that groveling minds may say about the necessity of acquaintance with the world and with sin, in order to get on well in life, yet after all, inexperienced guilelesness carries a man on as safely and more happily."

Remember that. Tell your children and set the example for them.


An excerpt from Chapter 3 of his 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians

"For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. ... In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone was unwiling to work, neither should that one eat."

What's wrong with this model? Why do we lavish welfare on able-bodied slobs? I've had enough of it; no work, no eat.