Wednesday, June 27, 2012


1. The executive branch of government is required to enforce laws, and the President takes an oath of office to defend the Constitution.  Thus, when our Putzident arrogantly refuses to enfore laws, why doesn't someone in the House introduce an impeachment motion? Is it because we have been conditioned not to criticize incompetent or lawless blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octaroons, etc.? 

2. If a zero-experience neighborhhod organizer can usurp the powers of Congress, which sits with its collective finger up its collective anus while he does, what difference is there who belongs to Congress? Shouldn't we simly contribute our funding and effort towards electing a president worthy of the title if our legislative representives are powerless to make the office behave as the Constitution stipulates?

Monday, June 25, 2012


It is surprising that, for a fellow about whom next to nothing is known, most of what he does say is untrue. "I don't really know Bill Ayers." "I might have seen Blagoyevitch a time or two, but I don't know him."

You may not already have heard the lie about the New Party, a supposedly peaceful revolutionary outfit at work when B.O. was running for the Illinois State Senate. He swore up and down he never had belonged to it, but a thorough investigator discovered minutes of some of the party's meetings, and guess what? B.O. signed a contract for its endorsement and, at the same gathering, joined it.

These are not white lies; they are Mulatto lies, but whatever their color or magnitude they are blatant and easily refuted.

Don't vote for a LIAR, especially one hell bent on ruining this country..  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Saturday, June 9, 2012


While I would prefer a republican candidate, Mr. Romney is in every dimension preferable to the Mao Zhe Dong (Dung?) wannabe presently quartered in the White House, so I'll support him. I wish one of his advisers would instruct him or that he would awaken to the invalidity of and the self-damage caused by an asinine statement he uttered about B.O. "Well, he's a nice guy, but ...." Complete it as you wish; the disaster is the erroneous premise he offered. B.O. IS ****NOT**** A NICE GUY, AND THAT'S THE CRUX OF THE ELECTION. The ecomomy? Fooey! A lousy economy with a decent administration under which the Constitution is secure and unassailed - I'll take that any time. HE IS ****NOT**** A NICE GUY PROOF Nice guys do NOT 1. foam at the mouth to murder babies. 2. pal around with unrepentant domestic terrorists nor use them as ghost-writers for their silly books. 3. take as mentors raving, racist America-haters in the guise of ministers and priests. 4. make utter enigmas of their pasts, public and private. 5. spend for the amusement of themselves and their families colossal sums of tax money, as if every day is the day after the welfare checks arrive. 6. seek to destroy, circumvent, and emasculate the Constitution they SWORE to uphold. 7. aspire to dictatorships. 8. blame the consequences of their ill-advised blunders on their predecessors. 9. mire their citizens in debt too huge ever to be repaid 10. squander billions on energy fantasies while we wallow in fuel. IS THAT ENOUGH EVIDENCE? Romney should probe those cancers 24/7 and confront him with them. People in this country have been conditioned - often coerced - to avoid criticizing anyone with a drop of Negro blood, lest that person shatter the air with yelps and shrieks of prejudice and injustice. Holder and B.O. do it all the time. If anyone hasn't noticed this has been African-American concession and give-away land for about 5 decades, he must be insensible. If they can't stand on their feet and on their accomplishments - or lack thereof - by now, they're hopeless. It's time to BLAST this dud for all the damage he's done and continues to do.

Monday, June 4, 2012


As a President, I mean, over a pansy-like wimp that's always bowing and scraping his nose in the dirt before some exiguous semi-terrorist, toadying up to sexual deviates, and standing with his finger up his nose while the dregs of Mexico and points farther south overrun our country. Sources like the Washington Pissed and the New Dork Times, busily manufacturing "news" and seeking to smear Romney in even ridiculous ways, have decided he was once a bully. (Perhaps once he soiled a diaper, too; they should investigate that.) They know more about what Mitt Romney did in elementary school than what B.O. did in college! He's not enough of a bully for my taste. I wish Teddy Roosevelt were a candidate. "Oh, you say our guys peed on your battle plan, the Koran? Send a few copies over here, and I'll pee on 'em, too." "Well, the reason we vaporized 6 of your mosques is that we had had six soldiers killed by your latest suicide bomber, and we understand you use mosques for terrorist planing. It was unfortunate that people were inside all six." "You say we were a little rough in those interrogations? Well, we could have amputated a hand or two; you know, Muslim style."