Monday, July 25, 2011


It's the one the Brits have, right? While the BADministration was bribing, lying, and cheating through the mess that passed, we were told how great was the system in England. People that knew anything at all knew that was horse shit, but, anyway ...

According to the London Daily Mail, England's National Health service is so rotten in places that medical doctors are having to write prescriptions for drinking water so that elderly patients don't succumb of thirst while in hospitals!!!!!

There is a Care Quality Commission there that reports over 800 annual deaths by dehydration and 300 from malnutrition every year!!!!! With "care" like this, who needs diseases?

As I recall, AARP was all for this abomination of a law, which is evidence of the worth of that outfit. With advocacy like that, who needs death?

Friday, July 22, 2011


There was lots of news about the end of the Space Shuttle Program but I saw none the day before about the 42nd anniversary of the first moon landing. Perhaps people are embarrassed to report evidence that comparatively little progress has been made in 42years.

Do we still have a space program? Any event along that front comes from something done years and years ago. Has there been a new idea since B.O. sneaked into the White House? One hears vague rumors about getting to Mars some day in the future, but have we moved an inch towards the goal?


Recently there was what has become a rare burst of fiscal sense emanating from the District of Columbia; the House approved a budget calling for a few trillion dollars of REDUCTIONS! Believe it or not, REDUCTIONS!

Soon after, B.O., who fights like a rabid chimpanzee to spend money that hasn't been printed yet, called a press conference to attempt to snag credit for what the sane House majority had willed.

The man is a liar and a sneak, and his utterances should be regarded as always coming from such.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Yes, indeed, the Senate will vote on a bill to cut, cap, and balance. Could it possibly prevail against the concentrated lunacy of Reid and nutty gang of bankruptcy mongers?

Say a prayer.


Our country is presently involved in wars in three different countries. (I still haven't decided what the hell we are supposed to be doing in Libya; if you know, please put me au fait.)I call this being spread thinly, yet recent announcements by the armed services describe **reductions** in their manpower!

Removing a few million federal employees - or at least giving them healthy pay cuts -is the thing to do, all right, but the action should take place in Housing, Education, Human "Services," and other agencies where the bulk of the employees generate reports no one reads and plan new ways to flush money down the toilet that is federal spending. Let's cut this chaff and have a proper military.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


B.O. blames Bush for all the country's woes, which is reminiscent of how many partial blacks are wont to blame long-dead whites for their inability and ineptitude.

Astronomical federal spending has plagued us since at least the LBJ regime: The Great Society, Model Cities, War on Crime, War on Poverty, ... Every dollar absolutely wasted, and every administration outdoing its predecessor in prodigality.

Presently, however, we seem to have achieved the pinnacle of spending with more give-aways, buy-ups, and bail-outs than even Lyndon Johnson could have conceived as ways of making himself loved.

Get B.O. out of office while we still have one nostril above water.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Queers everywhere are ebullient over New York State's deplorable decision to accord faggot unions the title of "marriage," an institution that is sacred to many and should be sacred to all. Caving in to the whines and bleats of a noisome, tiny minority, though, politicians gave them their sordid way.

Many happy returns.

Monday, July 4, 2011


When giving thanks for this nation - and I hope everyone joins me in doing so (By the way, I haven't seen any patriotic messages from the White House today.)- my first thought is always of the set of people on hand to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to create it.

Take a moment to try and picture the U.S. if it were to be defined and defended by the likes of Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Frank, B.O., J. Jackson, Collins, Snowe, Lugar, the Klintoons, ... ah, it's too painful to envision. I'd rather we remain a colony if that's the only alternative.

We were fantastically fortunate to have the ones that we had, and now the test is whether what they created can survive the assaults of the crew above.

Friday, July 1, 2011


B.O. reminds me of one of this society's several million black holes of welfare; they blow every dollar wrung from the tax-paying population, then complain that they haven't enough and thrash about and protest and beg and bay and wheedle for more.

B.O., hopefully the LAST of the truly COSMIC, large spenders, day by day throws money away by the trillions, yet waxes angry when Republicans chastise him about his debt. The BADministration solution, expectedly, is to tax us more heavily.

"Well, brothers, we be fixin' dis yere debt problem by taxin' de hell out ob dem what works, so at we's able to spend mo' on dem what don't, you see."

Why can't the morons that voted for this clown pick up his astronomical tabs? Leave us intelligent voters alone, OK?