Tuesday, May 31, 2011


About the only aspect of B.O.'s BADministration that I approve is that he doesn't appear, at least, to be obsequious and fawning over Israel. Of course, he's achieved a quick and deserved reputation for ambivalence, but the appearance is better than that usually seen in our governments.

I can't believe the cataclysmic reaction in some quarters over his hint that just possibly Israel's borders bear scrutiny. There are some lamentations circulating that this practically seals Israel's destruction, whereas thanks to having bled the U.S. for decades and being the continuous recipient of our bottomless welfare, it is far and away the mightiest military nation in its part of the world. Thanks to our official carelessness in allowing our uranium stocks to be pilfered, it has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Given the country's "this land is my land for eternity if not longer" that is a very frightening circumstance.

NO country around it could stand against it, probably not all its enemies COMBINED could do that, and bet your last shekel that if any conflict over there ever seemed in doubt, the U.S. would sacrifice itself before seeing Israel dash its heel against a stone. That is the extent to which the Israel tail wags the American dog.

Some commentators bleat that the U.S. has abandoned or offended a great ally. No, in the first place, "abandoned" is what we did to South Vietnam, and "offended" counts for no more than sticks and stones, when simultaneously we shower the object with billions of $ of give-aways. You may also bet your last shekel that Nathan the Yahoo, in highest dudgeon presently, will be mollified by more money than you could count in ten lifetimes.

By the way, aren't allies countries that help each other? Except for accepting our cash, credits, and materiel, I can't think of one thing Israel ever did for us. People tell me what a stabilizing force it is in the mid-east, but how about in the Iran-Iraq war, Syria, Egypt, etc. If that's stability, give me chaos. When all of a country's neighbors detest it, the only stability lies in their having a common ground.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


My East Coast Internet service just informed me, via its "news" headlines, that B.O. is off on a "healing" junket to Joplin, Missouri. Every day it finds some reason to gazette, amplify, aggrandize, and applaud his activities.

Well, he's always off somewhere, which beats the hell, I suppose, out of staying at home and failing to make tangible contributions to the country's multifarious ills, but I wasn't aware of his curative powers. NBC, PBS, CNN, and that tribe failed to ballyhoo them previously, but I believe that he may be at least in the ballpark of his professional experience - neighborhood organizing.

Poor, tragic Joplin has had neighborhoods destroyed, so maybe a neighborhood organizer can give some advice about re-organizing those neighborhoods - WHILE HE'S OUT ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL, I mean.

Yes, I don't believe anyone that ever occupied that office was so adept at funding campaign travel expenses with tax $. And talk about fuel consumption! When that man travels, he takes the kitchen sink and hasn't yet learned how to power the vehicles with wind, though he blows plenty of it all round.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


During the Scopes trial, Clarence Darrow cited these sentiments from historian George Bancroft (1800-1891).

"It is all right to preserve freedom in constitutions, but when the spirit of freedom has fled from the hearts of the people, then its matter is easily sacrificed under law."

Better watch your congresses, courts, and executive branches when they seek to vitiate the Constitution and usurp power that was given to the people. It's happening every day.


It was too bad that the Affirmative Action press and the Affirmative Action population conferred it on B.O. for saying "OK, get this guy that someone else's search found," but that's life in the old U.S.A.; no standards and no sense to discriminate truth from fiction. Lotsa luck Country; you need it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Affirmative Action meant hiring people that were unqualified for the jobs they were given. There were then a couple of equally nonsensical consequences to the nonsensical plan. First, since they couldn't accomplish the jobs, the standards had to be lowered in order that their performances were tolerable. Of course, even then, those people might realize that they fell short of the mark, so their self-esteem neeeded to be bolstered, so they had to be congratulated and applauded for pedestrian levels of work.

Most of this country's "news" media have the same philosophy towards B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer and "present" voter that became our first Affirmative Action White House resident. If he'd fall down a flight of stairs, CBS, ABC, ... especially PBS would all hail his accomplishment.

Thus, for the obvious decision, "Yes, go get that scurvy rat," meaning bin Laden, B.O.'s being cheered for his "brave decision." Given the choice, he should have said, "Hell, yes, and get 50-60 of the others on the same day."

Affirmative Action, another declining step in the ruination of America.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The Latin phrase means "produce the body," not a cadaver, but the body of evidence in a case of law. However, I believe it has literal meaning when applied to the reported bin Laden killing.

"Well, we did all these DNA tests and had members of Congress watching vids of it, but we thought that exhibiting the body would be controversial and that pictures are too gruesome, so we gave it a good Muslim preparation and dumped it into the ocean, but it really was he, honest."

If they want Yves Chauvire' to believe, treat him like Didymus; show him the wounds. In these times, government, especially this BADministration, is not to be believed without rock solid proof, so Habeas Corpus, pals. Further, have you watched the sickening stuff that gets regularly into TV news? We can take it, guys.

I don't believe that the mass-murdering creep is still living; that would be too simple to refute, but it's certainly possible that he died of natural causes, perhaps years ago - he needed dialysis, right, through all this time - so we stage a little show, and voila! If bin Laden had been there, why no heavy guard? There are elements here as fishy as the water where the remains were supposedly dumped.

Habeas Corpus.

Finally, why would anyone worry about religious etiquette for that villainous bastard? Feed him to the dogs.

Monday, May 2, 2011


On 7 December 1986 Pope John Paul II, lately beatified, had this to say.

"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live."

How has the institution of family been going in this country?

How has the nation been going?

Did the Pope see into the heart of the matter?