Sunday, February 27, 2011


Say, what are we doing about the murder of four of our citizens by these scum bag Somali pirates? Why haven't we destroyed a good part of that country? Why haven't we been blasting out of the water anything that even resembles a boat leaving its shores?

Maybe the problem is that these victims were handing out Bibles. Had they been Korans, maybe we'd have taken action, what?


We were taught that the executive branch of government's purpose is to enforce laws, so I'm wondering how B.O. can decide that he's not enforcing one; viz, the Defense of Marriage Act, which simply says what any literate person can learn from the Oxford English Dictionary, which is that marriage involves one man and one woman.

If B.O doesn't enforce this law, it seems obvious to me that he's breaking his oath of office and should clearly be impeached. What do you think?

Yves Chauvire

P.S. We were also taught that the judicial branch interpreted laws, but it seems to have confused its charge with that of the legislative branch, which is supposed to be the place where laws are MADE. Hmm, now that I considerate it, I believe B.O. has wandered into that domain, too. IMPEACH THE JERK! There are all sorts of grounds.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I mean in certain of our public schools, ones where the children's parents (almost always one visible per child) are too stupid or negligent to care for them. In these schools presently the African-American kids, already served breakfast and lunch, are now getting dinner!

This is a program championed by Michelle, The Worst Lady, and seeks to provide better nutrition while simultaneously combating obesity. Yes, once again there's that American antilogy where the hungry are fat. We also see where large sums of the country's "educational" spending goes.

Here, then, is the explanation of my subject line; why not circumvent the single, unmarried, stupid, careless parents and let the children LIVE at the damned schools. In this way the stupid, negligent parents would be freed altogether of the annoying, cramping responsibilities of caring for their progeny. (It makes sense, too, doesn't it, that if a "parent" is too stupid or negligent to feed her children properly, she is probably also too stupid or negligent to know how to get them bathed and to sleep?)In the absence of any sensible policy to prevent it, the welfare mamas can forget those litters and concentrate on birthing NEW ONES!

Yea! Welfare-absorbing dependents "ad infinitum," and a stupid, ruinous government to subsidize it.

One caution, however. In the beds and showers schools, PLEASE segregate (there's that wicked word) the sexes; else, we'll be getting a premature welfare generation!

Monday, February 14, 2011


James Madison was the principle author of the Constitution, and he wrote this

"We have staked the whole future of America's civilization ... upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments."

Hard to believe, isn't it, that subversive blockheads seek to ban the Deecalogue from courtrooms?

Jurists go on and on about the intentions of "the framers of the Constitution." As with most of that precious document, it's really patently clear, isn't it?

Is America going down the tubes or not? Look around you and tell me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I mean the Roman spectacle we know as the Super Bowl. This is the greatest feat of marketing ever performed; that is, to take a simple-minded game between two gangs and turn it into a National Holiday, with parties, catered delicatessen trays, and billions of dollars in tedious advertising. Where else would morons pay $200 to stand outside the stadium and watch the proceeedings on a television screen? Probbaly they had to tolerate the storm of commercials, too.

Here's a comment that puts this annual orgy into perspective. A sportswriter expressed his sympathy that Fran Tarkenton, the Vikings' great quarterback, had never won a super bowl game. Fran's answer was "So what?"

Did I say the greatest marketing sham ever achieved; taking an inferior product and convincing people that there's someting meritorious about it? Hmm, for a moment I forgot the occupancy of the White House.


It's here! In the U.S. of A.!

Just three examples.

1. When China rolled out a prototype fighter plane claimed to be superior to our F-22, Gates (not the gazillionnaire philathropist that made his bundle off other people's ideas and wants to transform the third world into our more powerful enemies, but the Defense Dept. guy) said, "Our intelligence didn't show they were that far along."

A foreign country develops - thanks mainly to our firms' outsourcing work to them over the years- a major weapon system, and we don't know it? Come on! Call that intelligence? Are we too preoccupied with giving Congress and other civilians of B.O.'s BADministration oversight over the CIA that it knows nothing?

2. Related to this, I read that China wants to become a DEFENSE CONTRACTOR to us. Wow! I suppose they do, at that. Maybe we could just outsource our entire defense to our buddies over there in the East. They make all our teddy bears, so I suppose they'd be just as objective about making all our weapons.

3. With all the turmoil in Egypt it's significant that when B.O. the N.O. & Co. "reaches out" to a potential new government, it's a set of Islamic wackoes. Is this because B.O. IS an Islamic wacko himself or that his Harvard puppeteers are bent on destroying this country?

Couldn't this BADministration just go away before America is in total ruins? Maybe we could trade B.O. for Mubarak.