Saturday, December 18, 2010


There are so many things to do at Christmastime - that's what I celebrate in December, not some generic "holiday" - so I've been a littl ederelict in posting my wisdom here. Nevertheless, I'd like to comment on three tragic and related events and offer easy resoliutions of that class of problems.

1. In Washington, D.C., a veritable breeding ground of murderous felons, something called the Dept. of Youth Rehabilitation Services has realized some setbacks. A couple of those in the process of rehabilitation (and naturally free to roam at will) murdered citizens.

2. Accompanying the Chicago (another such Model City in the D.C. mold), trial of a 14-year-old murderer, the "news" media are running up the usual flags, "pity these poor specimens," "waste more money on them," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, lets release and rehabilitate that one, too.

3. Even more recentkly in the Toddlin' Town, a 19-year-old parole violator - sentenced to 9, out in 2 - that suffered the additional, excruciating punishment of an ankle bracelet - WOW! - murdered two policemen. Returing to the scene of his burglary attempt, he decoyed them with the lie of having information to offer and shot them while they stood unsuspectingly.

The answer to the subject question is known to any sentient person; one doesn't try to rehabiliotate rabid curs. It is imjpossible; one merely shoots them, and that ends their rampages.

I'm not so bloodthirsty as to demand the murder of all these incurable murederers, but I sure as hell want them penned up FOREVER! Perhaps B.O. the N.O. hasn't hit upon this scheme for generating jobs, but just think for a moment what a double blessing this would be.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The "news" media are all agog over what the Wikileaks affair will do to journalism, whether what the crimninals did constitutes journalism, etc. The laughable part of these quaestions is to what extent journalism survives in this country. Some drivel banged out by a bigoted moron, ignorant of history, that conceals, distorts, or invents facts is not journalism, yet that's mainly what we get in the U.S.A. See my other post today, "The Usual "News" Nausea - B.O. etc"

Rather than "Good Morning, America," we need more programs of the nature "Wake Up, America."


Regular readers will recognize the quotes around the word "news" to signify a title not generally deserved by most of what trash is presented as such today.

This morning I noticed a "news"paper piece about a senate vote on "B.O.'s tax cuts!" Imagine that; the clown that wants only more and higher taxes is getting journalistic applause for his TAX CUTS! The bill to be voted, of course, was only a consequence of Republicans' twisting his crooked arm.

Does anyone believe what these liars in ink propagate? Maybe it's a blessing that so many of our population are illiterate.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Have I been away a long time or what? Yes, even incisive, clever bloggers require vacations. At any rate ...

The former Miss Affirmative Action (she flunked Princeton's entrance exam but was nonetheless admitted, then later crowned her academic career by submitting the shortest senior thesis on record there), now Worst lady, has a bifurcated nutrition project; she wants simultaneously to combat child hunger and child obesity.

I would have added "in America," except that would be a tautology, for only in the U.S.A. are most of the "hungry" at once the recipients of so many calories as to become fat slobs.

Previously I've advocated here the exportation to countries where the hungry get very little to eat and are no more than poorly flweshed skeletons, America's secret food formula that permits the starvings' transformation into people that resemble Okra Windfree in a candid shot. Or is that the BADministration gets good deals on pizza and potato chips and candy, items that I find so expensive as consequently to wonder how the "poor" are able to stuff themselves with it.

Now, I admit that in a BADmiinistration where all of a sudden TRILLIONS of dollars are printed and flushed away unaccountably and ineffectually, wasting a few niggling BILLIONS of dollars is hardly notweworthy. Congress, true to expectations, snapped up the Worst Lady's gage to sacrifice that sum with the usual zero probabliity of improving anything. Yes, indeed, schools that presently waste money only on breakfasts and lunches for the indigent fatsos will begin serving more nutritious and healthy foods even for dinner!

Yessirree, parents (probably only one per child) too stupid or inconsiderate to feed their welfare kiddies sensible breakfasts or lunches will now be spared dinner failures as well. They can lounge on their pinguid backs, produce more welfare income, and enjoy Okra Windfree while your "education" dollars absolve them of another degree of responsibility.