Monday, September 28, 2009


Low-down Polanski is back in the news. Set to receive an award at the Zurich Film Festival, he was arrested for a sex crime involving a 13-year-old girl.
Naturally, his lack of character and moral decency has been well publicized, but the notable fact here is that those credentials are meaningless to Horrywood, which seeks to reward him, anyway. This is reminiscent of the French Minister of Culture presenting a medal to Eastwood at the Cannes Film Festival not so long after his film, High Plains Drifter. in it, raping a troublesome woman was treated as, not only entirely justified, but humorous.
I suppose, though, it is unreasonable to expect their organizations to have standards when so many of the individual units lack them.


Mother Elvira Petrozzi, an Italian nun, founded Comunita Cenacolo, a set of homes in 15 countries where 900 lost and troubled young people receive the care they were unable to find in the outside world. Following are her words.

"A world that does not love or respect little ones, that does not defend those who are weakest in this life is a world of the dead, a world of truly desperate people. A world that rejects life, which does violence to the life of children, cannot even be called a world. Yet God calls us specifically to love this world, to be carriers of hope and sparks of light and kindness that resurrect humanity."

It would be wonderful if each of use would follow this prescription, and, for openers, stop abusing children both before and after they are born.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


If you wish not to read all this, do, at least, see the last two paragraphs, especially the quote that ends the post.

For a topic above I tried to put as simply as possible the primary thing, in my opinion, that Horrywood does. (See previous posts for an explanation of that designation for our entertainment industry. In fact, if you've not read every one of these, you've missed a store of wit, wisdom, and inspired use of our language, by which I mean English)

Yes, of course, in one way or another not a few of Horrywood's citizens sell their bodies, some literally, for fame and fortune, but what I mean is that it seeks to sell you and me on the concept that sex is the "non pareil" of the universe.

A textbook example of that view is the film, "Pleasantville," amusing and humorous on some planes, disgusting and malevolent on those of its primary thrust. Via electronic, television mischief, teenage brother and sister are transported from the present into the gray scale, sitcom world of the 1950's.

Their new mother, a primly-dressed home-maker, and dad, who comes home in a suit and tie and calls, "Honey, I'm home," sleep in twin beds, as do all married couples. The school basketball team, boys, is perfect and has never lost a game. The girls are cute, modestly dressed, and when pairs drive down to Lovers' Lane, they sit in the cars, hold hands, and kiss. In this land, though, no one is truly happens, which deprivation is symbolized by the black and white existence.

The visitors from the future, however, agents of change surpassing even B.O. & Co., revolutionize life in Pleasantville, and their principal instrument is sex. Sister is the leading exponent, and before long the parked L.L. cars, each now rocking violently to and fro, reveal only feet, not heads and shoulders. When Mother tells Sister that Father wouldn't be interested in anything like that, Sister teaches her to masturbate! Is this progressive or not?

As life is transformed in these inguinal ways, improvement and joy are signalled by patches of color's creeping into the film of the stultified, Philistine 1950's. Mother's liberation is complete when she abandons home - Father is left announcing "Honey, I'm home" and whining "I want my dinner" to an empty house - to become a contuberal with the soda fountain proprietor. Brother, who works there, has encouraged him to allow his business to go completely to hell and to take up art, all abstract and riotously pigmented. Naturally, pursuing his self-esteem and gratification has outstripped any tendencies towards utility and capability.

Pleasantvillians opposed and resistant to these advances, (Pleasantvillains?) - people dissatisfied with their now losing basketball team, color, double beds, and the like - are portrayed as an angry mob of Nazi's, destructive reactionaries.

In such fashion does Horrywood purvey its favorite idol, sex, and you must have noticed it everyday that you have turned to an amusement created by that industry.

I wish to conclude this communication with a quote from a remarkable little book, A Right to be Merry, by Sister Mary Francis. She was a brilliant, poetic, and loving member of the Poor Clare Colettines, an order of enclosed nuns. The title suffices to dispel any suspicion that a life of penance, poverty, seclusion, obedience, and chastity is bleak and colorless, but consider this passage.

"The motive of the religious [for remaiining celibate] is unique: she wishes to give herself, body and soul, to God. This positive aspect of holy virginity is far too often entirely ignored. Virginity is thought to be a mere abstention. Many, dazzled by the coruscating, if specious, logic of psychologists of the Freudian school, think it is a blight on the development of the personality. One cannot experience the fullness of happiness in the virginal state, they maintain. It needs only one long look at the faces of nuns, one long listen to their laughter, to blow the proposition sky-high - or better, earth-low."

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Lately I was in a small city that supported B.O. in the disastrous election, though its state voted, as did the majority of them, with sanity.

In its newspaper I read that national S.A.T. scores have again declined; Congrats to No Child Left Behind and other federal toilet flushes of our hard-earned bucks.

The headline said that race and gender gaps in scores had widened, but the article said NOTHING, not one word, about what races and what genders had done better or worse than others, so naturally no quantitative comparison of differences.
Why wouldn't a "news" source even take the trouble to support its headline claim? Was it concealing something, do you suppose? qv my recent post on "news" media reliability and dirty tricks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Those that have not read 1984 should, if for no other reason than to appreciate the disparity possible between truth and what a government tells its people and the remainder of the world. Of course, we have watched Communist countries, which were the motivation for the novel, do the same for decades, but, still, its difficult to believe that it's happening here every day.
In 1984 the government directly controlled the news media, whereas, in our case, the control is rather a voluntary, prejudicial enrapturement with our BADministration. It commenced with B.O.'s candidacy and, if anything, has worsened. Most of our "news" sources omit facts and events that are injurious to the BADministration, broadcast conspicuous untruths, and emphasize trivialities that they hope will cast shadows over the opposition.
On 13 September I noticed a compelling example of a matched pair of such dirty tricks. When I reached my computer's home page, the news briefs contained a line on some Horrywood clown's winning a prize for imitating Sarah Palin, while several tens of thousands of anti-BADministration protesters in D.C. the previous day went totally unreported!
Fox News and the Washington Times have the sense and responsibility to expose and criticize the wrongs of B.O. and his crew. I wouldn't credit anything I saw or read elsewhere without first consulting such sources as those. I also find email newsletters from the American Family Association and the National Right to Life Committee to be honest and highly informative.



The talking head presently occupying the White House is doing his best to indoctrinate the children in his government-controlled classrooms.

Stand up on your feet and shout, "NO!!" Take command of your schools - they're your children, right? Don't let them be corrupted by a talking head, especially one with unrepentant terrorists; America-damning, lunatic preachers for pals; Harvard Commies as his string-pullers; and law-breakers on his Cabinet.

The Neighborhood Organizer knows nothing. He's a corrupt, teleprompter-run, puppet, and his programmers are bent on the ruination of this country.

Keep your children immune to these viruses - no one will do it for you, certainly not the schools.


Sorry to have been absent for a spell, and it's terrific to be back.

Monday, September 7, 2009


It seems to me that only a misologist could dislike this plan, and rather than 600 pages of garbage and maleficence, it takes fewer than that number of letters to describe.

Any employee with a full-time job must be given medical benefits - from a PRIVATE insurance company. If your egg McMaggot suddenly costs $10, so what? That fast food crap is probably killing you, anyway. Just as happens at present, the government provides health care to the unemployed.

Problem solved. Kennedy's office, Baucus, and the rest of the loonies can go wreck something else.


With all the quite justifiable furor over medical costs, why doesn't anyone address some obvious questions?

Why are so many physicians multi-millionaires?

Why are they so elite that social contact with non-physicians is rare?

Why do hospital conglomerate corporations, many owned by physicians, as they do many nursing homes, rake in profits of a magnitude that our "news" sources only ascribe to other industries?

When did you last look at a hospital or physician's bill? Is there price-fixing in the medical industry or not?

Believe me, folks, in no other country are medical doctors exalted as they are here nor, by the mere implication of the letters after their names, wealthy.

Ph.D.'s spend as long, or longer, getting educated, and most of them are NOT paid in astronomical units. Pharmacist training now is 6 university years, yet they live next to you and me, ordinary sublunary wretches.

Under our new Communist government, why don't we set reasonable limits on the salaries and profits flowing into that sector of the economy?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


When I was in elementary school the Superintendent visited every class every year. On one visit he told us, "Go home and tell your parents you DON'T WANT federal aid to education."

I probably didn't, but, had I, they probably would have paid no attention to me. They had what would be today a Pollyanna, egregiously unjustified confidence that my school always acted in the best interests of the students.

Nowadays we have not only federal expenditure - if not aid - to education, but the feds RUN the damned show, and look at the morass! My Supt. of Schools and probably hoards of others must be looking down, up, or whatever in utter disbelief.

At any rate in the usurped role of Supreme Educational Authority, the feds in 1995, 98, and 2003 issued guidelines on freedom of religious expression in public schools, and I forward these from the August, 2009 American Family Association Journal. School administrators have been requested to make these known to everyone, but when do administrators do what they are supposed to do; especially as it has become less controversial for them to yield religious rights than to uphold them?

Observe, our Federal Masters of Education have permitted us these.

1.Students may pray, read religious material, and talk about their faith at school.

2.Students may organize and announce religious clubs at school.

3. Students may express their faith in class work and homework.

4. Teachers may organize prayer groups with other teachers.

5. Schools may allow students to go off campus for religious studies during school hours.

6. Students may express their faith at school events.

7. Students may express their faith at graduation ceremonies.

Clearly, these are insufficient, but they are YOURS. USE THEM!

To order the "free to speak" pamphlets and designate schools to receive the rights-defining letter, see or call 800.929.1163.