Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the LOUD speaker

The nuttiest of liberals’ efforts to malign Sarah Palin has spread through their scrofulous ranks like a renegade bacillus on a Petri dish.

The other day I saw a newspaper item that reported Pelosi’s pontificating that Sarah was too inexperienced to occupy the “heartbeat from the Presidency” slot. Pelosi is an exotic beast, a pro-abortion Catholic that fabricates her own theology. She speaks as if she has a two-digit IQ, but her most significant credential is her constituency. Have you ever attended or seen (hopefully not) the Folsom Street Faggot Fest in San Fran? That scum is what re-elects good old Nancy every biennium. Whenever she says anything, please to remember that, and if you want to focus on a truly frightening contingency, remember that this loony is just one additional heartbeat from that office! Good grief! Obviously, the brilliant architects of our Constitution never imagined a Pelosi.

Compare the governing experience of the Chief Executive of our largest state to that of an occasional senator whose closest approach to a bill is when some rich buddy pays one for him. Talk about desperate; Time, Newsweek, or one of that ilk – they’re all so similar I can’t distinguish them - lately reported that B.O. has picked up lots of experience by campaigning! Wow! In other words, by running around saying he wants to be President, he’s learned how to command the armed forces, negotiate with Putin, and all that. Who would have guessed?

By the way, why do the Demo’s persist in comparing B.O. to Sarah? Answer: Because B.O. is a minor leaguer, better, a semi-pro, compared to McCain, and they’re desperate to manufacture a weak GOP link. They can’t play the Joe Biden card, because that’s a joker, a multi-term, liberal hack attempting to flourish as a wizard of change. In my view B.O. couldn’t change a tire or his clothes by himself, and, just perhaps, not so much needs changing, anyway. I rather like my existence here. How about you?

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