Friday, August 29, 2008


I had this composed some days ago, but demurred posting it and got scooped by events. I like it, though, so here it is.

The presidential primaries and B.O.’s announcement of his lamentable choice for V.P. have deprived us of some of our usual breathlessness over the conventions. I’m certain, nevertheless, the TV networks will foment all manner of hot, though sham, controversy, rather in the fashion that they invent news. Rememebr Ace Reporter and Anchorperson, Honest Dan Rather?

I shall crawl way out on a low limb, however, and make a prediction about the NPR, that is to say, the Democratic National, Convention. (I never can avoid the conviction that “public” radio is an arm of the Democratic National Committee and wonder why, when they controlled both Houses for a dozen years, the Republicans didn’t torpedo that propaganda budget.)

I predict that Edward M. Kennedy, Patriarch of America’s Only Royal Family – they had the effrontery to invent armorial bearings for themselves; the archetypal lunatic liberal, booted out of college for cheating; the Midnight Cowboy that was rewarded by his playmate's death with endless new terms from a promiscuous electorate; alcoholic; philanderer; a “Catholic” that thinks abortion is just fine will be rolled or otherwise transported to center stage to anoint B.O. Applause will be deafening, because many of his party lack standards.

“Win one for the Tippler, Barack; win one for the Tippler.”

Evelyn Waugh wrote that it was a triumph of medical science to have located the only non-malignant part of Randolph Churchill and excised it. Perhaps it was the same for Toad Kennedy, but at least he fared better than the poor sister Joe Senior had lobotomized. I don’t wish him ill, I just wish he were elsewhere, Angola or Zambia, for example. Say, I may get my wish, since, if B.O. wins, those countries will zoom in priority, and Kennedy may accept an ambassadorship in one or the other!

Y. C.

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