Thursday, August 28, 2008


Does the existence of a walking, talking, contradiction of an object, calling itself a “pro-choice Catholic,” disturb you? What about when they, Pelosi and Biden, for two examples, invent their own catechism and argue up and down that receiving Holy Communion, strictly forbidden by Church law to such a one, is perfectly correct?

Even if a person doesn’t give a hoot for Catholic teaching and principles, he must find such a person in public office to be repellant, even frightening. The reason is that someone so facile and brazen at violating the rules of his personal life is likely as loose with those governing his public function.

It is the same as with John Kennedy and William Clinton; how could a man so frivolous of his marriage vows be expected to adhere to his oath of office?

It was gratifying to see bishops assert themselves and slap down the heretics. Voters should do the same.

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