Sunday, August 31, 2008


I had this composed some days ago, but demurred posting it and got scooped by events. I like it, though, so here it is.

The presidential primaries and B.O.’s announcement of his lamentable choice for V.P. have deprived us of some of our usual breathlessness over the conventions. I’m certain, nevertheless, the TV networks will foment all manner of hot, though sham, controversy, rather in the fashion that they invent news. Rememebr Ace Reporter and Anchorperson, Honest Dan Rather?

I shall crawl way out on a low limb, however, and make a prediction about the NPR, that is to say, the Democratic National, Convention. (I never can avoid the conviction that “public” radio is an arm of the Democratic National Committee and wonder why, when they controlled both Houses for a dozen years, the Republicans didn’t torpedo that propaganda budget.)

I predict that Edward M. Kennedy, Patriarch of America’s Only Royal Family – they had the effrontery to invent armorial bearings for themselves; the archetypal lunatic liberal, booted out of college for cheating; the Midnight Cowboy whose playmate perished but was rewarded by endless new terms; alcoholic; philanderer; a “Catholic” that thinks abortion is just fine will be rolled or otherwise transported to center stage to anoint B.O. Applause will be deafening, because many of his party lack standards.

“Win one for the Tippler, Barack Hussain; win one for the Tippler.”

Evelyn Waugh wrote that it was a triumph of medical science to locate the only part of Randolph Churchill and excise it. Perhaps it was the same for Toad Kennedy, but at least he fared better than the poor sister Joe Senior had lobotomized. I don’t wish him ill, I just wish he were elsewhere, Angola or Zambia, for example. Say, I may get my wish, since, if B.O. wins, those countries will zoom in priority, and Kennedy may accept an ambassadorship in one or the other!

Y. C.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I had this composed some days ago, but demurred posting it and got scooped by events. I like it, though, so here it is.

The presidential primaries and B.O.’s announcement of his lamentable choice for V.P. have deprived us of some of our usual breathlessness over the conventions. I’m certain, nevertheless, the TV networks will foment all manner of hot, though sham, controversy, rather in the fashion that they invent news. Rememebr Ace Reporter and Anchorperson, Honest Dan Rather?

I shall crawl way out on a low limb, however, and make a prediction about the NPR, that is to say, the Democratic National, Convention. (I never can avoid the conviction that “public” radio is an arm of the Democratic National Committee and wonder why, when they controlled both Houses for a dozen years, the Republicans didn’t torpedo that propaganda budget.)

I predict that Edward M. Kennedy, Patriarch of America’s Only Royal Family – they had the effrontery to invent armorial bearings for themselves; the archetypal lunatic liberal, booted out of college for cheating; the Midnight Cowboy that was rewarded by his playmate's death with endless new terms from a promiscuous electorate; alcoholic; philanderer; a “Catholic” that thinks abortion is just fine will be rolled or otherwise transported to center stage to anoint B.O. Applause will be deafening, because many of his party lack standards.

“Win one for the Tippler, Barack; win one for the Tippler.”

Evelyn Waugh wrote that it was a triumph of medical science to have located the only non-malignant part of Randolph Churchill and excised it. Perhaps it was the same for Toad Kennedy, but at least he fared better than the poor sister Joe Senior had lobotomized. I don’t wish him ill, I just wish he were elsewhere, Angola or Zambia, for example. Say, I may get my wish, since, if B.O. wins, those countries will zoom in priority, and Kennedy may accept an ambassadorship in one or the other!

Y. C.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Does the existence of a walking, talking, contradiction of an object, calling itself a “pro-choice Catholic,” disturb you? What about when they, Pelosi and Biden, for two examples, invent their own catechism and argue up and down that receiving Holy Communion, strictly forbidden by Church law to such a one, is perfectly correct?

Even if a person doesn’t give a hoot for Catholic teaching and principles, he must find such a person in public office to be repellant, even frightening. The reason is that someone so facile and brazen at violating the rules of his personal life is likely as loose with those governing his public function.

It is the same as with John Kennedy and William Clinton; how could a man so frivolous of his marriage vows be expected to adhere to his oath of office?

It was gratifying to see bishops assert themselves and slap down the heretics. Voters should do the same.

Saturday, August 23, 2008



Q: In committee meetings what does Boxer, Feinstein, or Pilosi always make?


Not that it’s poetic, but B. O.’s rhetoric shares an attribute of some contemporary poetry, concatenations of agreeable-sounding words designed to conjure up big visions, but when decoded sum to meaningless excrement of a male bovine.

May I paraphrase? “… a tale told by an inexperienced pretender, full of dung and roses, signifying nothing.”

The decline of English comprehension in this country, a schooling phenomenon which B. O.’s election would accelerate, abets his strategy, but if you’re dazzled by meaningless excrement, hearken back to your 7th, 6th, 5th grade language classes and scrutinize his pronouncements. What do they mean? If you’re not sure, don’t give the man the benefit of the vote.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I notice that the International Olympic Committee is reaching its relentless, unfettered arm as far back as 2000 to deprive junkie athletes – and anyone so unfortunate as to be teamed with them – of medals. As the guilty are mainly Americans, I naturally wonder about the objectivity, often questionable, of that Euro-centric group, but that’s another topic.

I don’t object to proven cheaters’ having their accolades stripped. Examples are Mr. Landis, of Tour de France in-fame, and the 1993 University of Alabama football team, the record of which was officially recorded by the NCAA as 1 – 12 - 0 after it was discovered they had failed to notice an ineligible player that participated the whole season. In fact, other proven cases of dishonesty still await penalties, as in the case of the Boston Patriots. (Thankfully the original Boston patriots were more honest.)

To return to the Olympics, though, I wonder why the long, muscular extremity of athletic rectitude has not stretched back to the DDR = GDR = German Democratic (ha ha) Republic (hee hee) = East Germany. For years the Olympian entries of that piss-ant puppet, 1/9 – GET THAT – ONE NINTH – the size of Texas were generally acknowledged to be as much pharmaceutical representatives as athletes. Some of their female sportspersons were frequently mistaken, from a distance and outside the locker room, for male sportspersons. When European Communism disintegrated the word was that the GDR’s chemical trainers had gone to work for China. Are all these records lost? No, there are always traces, tracks to follow, and some of the guilty might even be willing to tell the truth now.
Someone authoritative ought to demand that a new series of investigations focus on that bogus nation and, evidence supporting the conclusion, beginning denuding them of their badges of victory. I’m quite certain, too, that scrutinizing the stratagems of Russia and several others would be equally productive. No, we don’t want ex-post facto applications of new laws, but I suspect that what has changed most over the intervening years are detection methods, not drug usage. If we’re exhuming past crimes, there should be no limits on the ground we search or the depth we dig.

Friday, August 1, 2008


If the Democrats win the Presidency, would we have an Obamanation?

Would the homophone pun, “Abomination,” be much different, do you think?

Before you vote consider carefully propelling into The White House an inexperienced, unpatriotic, part-time, short-time senator, surrounding himself with professed America-haters.

If it’s your bent to elect an enemy of the country, why go halfway? Write in bin Laden, Chavez, or Ahmadinejad. They offer the advantage, at least, of having views that are generally unvarying and avoiding meaningless double-talk.

Please, no Abominations for us.