Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The slant-eyed anus presently ruining N. Korea was accused of slandering B.O.'s race, or part of it, by calling him "a monkey from a tropical forest," or something like that. Well, that's not doing justice to the lunatic over there. He didn't say B.O. looked like a monkey - anyway, does the inference that the remark was a racial insult suggest that people think blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, etc. LOOK like monkeys? - merely that he was one, and therein lies a great distinction.

You see, if I called the N. Korean dictator an anus, it's an insult yes, but not racial. If I said he looked like an anus, it might be considered racially motivated IF ASIAN PEOPLE GENERALLY RESEMBLE THAT PART OF THE ANATOMY, which I don't suppose to be true. In fact, I called him a slant-eyed anus, which is racial, because all Asians have eyes that appear slanted. Notice the difference.

Now, in past posts in this blog I compared B.O. to Curious George, who is a monkey, but that wasn't racial, because C.G. is a creature always getting into things he fails to understand and making a botch of them. This is exactly what B.O. does, and it has nothing to do with race. Understood?

Happy New Year,


P.S. As a matter of fact, though, B.O. DOES resemble Curious George, don't you think?

P.P.S. Just imagine - if the world, especially the U.S., had treated S. Korea the way it did S. Vietnam, that slant-eyed anus would be running BOTH North and South Korea! Thank goodness that in that time we still had values and the knowledge and will to fight wars, even though that one stopped short of blasting the antagonists into dust, which is what they richly deserved..

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