Wednesday, May 7, 2014

GLOBAL WARMING **** New Federal Studies, possibly by ex-Solyndra officials and Solyndra wannabes prove conclusively that GLOBAL WARMING :-( causes erectile disfunction, acne, wars, and every other pestilence ever visited upon mankind. Those of you morons that swallowed the sham employment data this BADministration gazetted just prior to the last big elections will probably bite on this crap, too. Just ask the fedrally-sponsored pundits for an iota of evidence that, if world temperatures are indeed increasing - they've faked and doctored that data in the past, too - that human activity is causing it. Guess what? THERE'S NO SUCH EVIDENCE, but it's a dandy way to camouflage from the mentally incapable the manifold failings, blunders, and chicanery of this excuse for a government.

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