Saturday, April 19, 2014

MONTANA MISCHIEF FROM A DUMMYCRAT B.O. RUBBER STAMP **** Remember Montana's forever senator, Max Baucus? You know, the one on YouTube giving a speech on the senate floor while clearly intoxicated - a class guy. He's been a reliable rubber stamp for this BADministration since its unfortunate inception, but even the millionaire rancher and full-time D.C. politician - he was rarely to be found in his "home" state - finally decided the well had run dry and decided not to run in 2014. The announced Republican candidate, Daines, is a popular, first-term, reasonably Conservative U.S. congressman, and it appeared the Dummycrats had no opponent with a chance. Dummycrats, however, have bags of cheap, deceptive tricks that never empty. Good old Max was made ambassador to China, which is not surprising, for he needed a reward for faithful rubber-stamping and had the necessary credential of a total absence of knowledge of China. However, the Dummycrats retired him months early, and Montana's rubber stamp governor, Steve Bullock (maybe a different suffix is more appropriate) appointed his Lt. Gov., another party reliable, to Max's seat. This gives unknown Walsh the veneer of an incumbent, and the Dummycrats know how our stupid electorate slobbers over incumbents, even criminals. Maybe Montana voters will get an afflatus of intelligence and help bring sanity back to the senate. Is it too much to hope?

BULLSEYE PROPHESY FROM THE BOOK OF JOB ***** JOB 9:24 "The earth is given into the hands of the wicked; he covers the faces of its judges." At least it covers the U.S. for the past 6 years, and the judges bit rather well characterizes some of our pixilated federal variety.