Saturday, February 23, 2013


As I recall this is a question posed in a 1960s, anti-war, pseudo folk song, but it’s relevant to my message today..

Lyndon Vain Johnson became President in November, 1963, so I calculate that by 50 years ago this month, the cascade of unprecedented tax money flushes had commenced. Up to the time of B.O.’s first coronation, Johnson was the greatest egoist ever to reign in the White House, the loftiest vote- and love-buying prodigal of all time. I say, up to B.O.

Fifty years later now the Neighborhood Organizer has a brilliant, high-cost, more government control scheme for a universal pre-school program to get the underprivileged (he means blacks, of course) “up to speed.” (What ever happened to Head Start, by the way?)

Well, folks, apparently, then, after 50 years and about as many trillions of dollars, they (several generations in fact; for a group that breeds like rabbits, a generation is not a lengthy period) still fall below that mark, STILL are not “up to speed..”

There are two possible explanations why those targeted remain below the speed limit.

1. Intellectually, they are, on average, genetically inferior. No fewer than two Nobel laureates have said exactly that publicly, and why should it be controversial? It must be genes that allow blacks, on average, to run faster and jump higher than whites, correct?, so why is it astonishing that they think slower and lower? It would be a simple matter to test this hypothesis with a rigorously objective, scientific experiment, so why don’t we do it, prove it plainly, stop making excuses for them, and save tons of money. Do you think spending a billion or so dollars on the average white person would significantly increase his speed or elevation? Think carefully about that question.

2. The beneficent effects of a few hours of capable training and clean environment are offset by the remainder of the 24’s exposure to the flunk-outs of countless earlier, wasteful projects of the same sort but differently named. This is easily remedied; take the children full-time into the good environment, away from their ruinous predecessors, who are sterilized to halt the production of these societal burdens.


is justified by


My subject line refers to two groups

A. Morons that formulate these disgusting wastes

B. Morons that land in the programs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Mayor Boombag, B.O., and the other panic-in-the-streets crowd are quite correct; SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

However, that something is not to contravene the Constitution of the U.S., which is ALL WE'VE GOT.

What needs to be done is to remove the homicidal maniacs from our midst. When a murderer has a nickname involving the word "crazy," as did the looney in Alabama, then he should already have been put away. Others, with a lifelong history of bizarre behavior should have been marked for specual observation and people in contact with them alerted and warned.

The Constitution does not guarantee the right of a maniac to roam among ordinary people, but, in no uncertain terms, it guarantees the right to bear arms - without strings attached. Any sane person knows that once government has attached a string to a concept, it will attach more in future. The Oxford English Dictionary is quite clear about the word "infringe."

Elected or appointed officials that seek to infringe our Constitutional rights should be impeached; they are VIOLATING THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE!

Sunday, February 17, 2013



Unlike his 2008 opponent, McCain is a decent man, generally honest and aboveboard, and proven physically courageous and patriotic.

Still, he utters some of the lamest politician-speak that gives evidence why Congress is no help in this continuing disaster, either.

Let's paraphrase McCain on Hagel's nominhation: "He's not capable of the job, but let's allow his nomination to go forward," meaning that the B.O. rubber stamp senate will immediately approve the inept loser, another "Republican."

If you care for the country, McCain, wouldn't you fight tooth and nail to keep an incompetent out of a position vital to the nation's survival? Seems so to me, so then I guess you don't care for your country.

He's even more stupidly paralyzed than legislators that decry and lambast the colossal, irrelevant waste programmed into spending bills and then turn around and vote for them. Have some guts, yellow-bellies! Stand up and fight for the U.S.A.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Here's all we need do.

1. Round up and deport every illegal alien. This is light punishment for criminal behavior.

2. Build an impregnable barrier along the length of the Mexican border. This includes armed guards every hundred yards or so and missile installations for shooting down illegal aircraft.

The benefits to our education, health care, and various welfare systems should be obvious, and think of the construction and guard jobs created, but you may ask how we'll get along without all that cheap, wetback labor. Years ago we did, but apparently we've lost even that quantity of common sense. That's also simple, though; we don't have to. Every able-bodied welfare recipient, every person drawing unemployment compensation, and everyone collecting workmen's compensation (the numbers here recently doubled when the BADministration made it easier to panhandle in that neighborhood) will do the work of picking lettuce, planting bushes in our yards, watering grass, busing restaurant tables, cooking short orders, baby-sitting the kiddies, etc. They will be paid the usual wetback rates and if this is less than their former government handouts, then governments can pay them the differences, so their income doesn't drop, and governments are handing out less.

Even the worker disabled because of severe carpal tunnel syndrome, a sore back, or anxiety attacks can do work; for example, applying the small stickers to oranges, pears, and the like. No work, no eat.

If this isn't all simple and effective, I don't know what is.


I, for one, am happy that, aside for thousands of televised replays, college football is over for a couple of months; that is, until Spring practice.

I'm happy, because student-athletes can return to their primary occupation, scholarship. That's correct, isn't it? After all, it's not "athlete-student."

Yes, thousands of highly-paid - I mean tuition, room and board, books, etc.; not one would accept a penny, a gift, or any sort of preferment under the table - college football players will resume the challenges of mastering such recondite disciplines as Playground Managememt, Psychology of Agent-Player Relationships, Architectural Tinker Toys, Black Studies, Athletic Studies, Shoelace-Tying, and English for the Hopelessly Illiterate.

This is the whole idea of athletic scholarships, I'm told; that the poor and deprived can obtain "college educations." From my own observations that must mean loitering around student unions and leering at girls, but that's the stock rationale for importing thugs from the other side of the country to represent the beloved alma mater on the fields of honor. Ask how many of them EVER get degrees.

Congratulations to Alabama, World College Champions once again. A couple of years ago the NCAA called Alabama the worst in terms of obeying its regulations and said it has "an abysmal record of compliance." This outfit has been in hot water more often than a dishwasher's hands, so one can be certain that although not under the NCAA's light-pressure thumb at the moment, the school has never stopped cheating. That, though, is college athletics, right?