Monday, August 27, 2012


People with Internet connections are bombarded with emails from friends, and many of these are humorous lampoons of B.O. and this disastrous BADministration. Not intending to be amusing, the White House website is also particularly lauhable. It has some blarney about the most transparent adminstration in the history of the solar system or some such.

Transparent? Ho ho ho. B.O. and Holder, two Mulattoes, both alike in (lack of) dignity AND BOMBAST , have been caught with their panties down as obviously as some of their African kin in amorous adventures with local chimpanzees. EVERY SCRAP OF EVIDENCE not hidden now behind opaque, hardly transparent Executive Privilege, and Dept of "Justice's" finagling and ignoring a Contempt Citation, points to the complicity of B.O. the N.O. in the plot to ship weapons to the muderous, Mexican drug czars. Was that a gutter-level plan to abet the anti-gun rabble or what? Transparent, my ass.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Question: Regarding the huge indemnity the school is required to pay, as part of its punishment, to the others in its conference, does the money come from the secret slush fund that big-time, college, "amateur," athletic departments maintain or will the state's taxpayers foot that bill?

Lesson 1: The fact that the school freed all its football student-athletes to go continue their careers elsewhere is a good measure of what value the education, which is supposed to be the  reason for awarding them scholarships, has in the college athletic scheme of things. "Why, we give these scholarships so that poor kids have a chance to get a college education." MY ASS! Did you check on the fraction of them that ever get ANY sort of degree, even in the Mickey Mouse majors that allow them to pass as students while pursuing their minor league athletic careers?

Lesson 2: Of course, the overriding education we all got is the mountain of dirt and filth that gets concealed and ignored in order to let a football college keep its ball rolling. Think of all the lives ruined by Sandusky AFTER his avocation was well-known by university officials.     

Monday, August 13, 2012


With its program of paying and supporting full-time athletes and claiming them to be amateurs, the Russian Communists destroyed for all time the ideal of international amateur athletics. U.S. Olympic sponsors even paid cash bounties this year for medals our peiople won, and who can guess what all transpires beneath the tip of the athletic iceberg.

Nowhere is professionalism more conspicuous than in basketball, in which we merely send our pro basketball players and make no bones about it. I'm glad both our men and women's basketball teams won gold medals and was frankly relieved that Kobe Bryant didn't rape anyone.  


No, not by a long chalk. The most important issue in the upcoming election is whether the United States remains a Constitutional Republic or a dictatorial bureaucracy with a semi-white, semi-Muslim, semi-Communist as its figurehead.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Anti-baby-murdering factions are exultant over the passage in the HoR of a bill to prevent in the District of Columbia the savage rending asunder of an unborn child any MOMENT up to birth.

The National Capital is well-known for Capital CRIMES.

When premature babies generally survive at 7 months and often earlier, how could any barbarian pretend that these are not viable, feeling PEOPLE that were being butchered?  How could any beast perform such a murder? How could anyone have voted otherwise?

That's what troubles me about the successful vote; 1/3 of the HoR was quite comfy with allowing the vicious murder of feeling, living children!

For the sake of the unborn, I wish that third of the group had been sacrificed at some point before their election to a law-making body.