Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Yesterday a newspaper headline advised me that the number of illegal scum in the country has decreased and, in fact, told me by how many. Seems clear to me, then, that with such good information it shoud be a snap to round 'em up and kick their butts back south. Constructing a high barricade the length of the Mexican border, then, should solve the problem forever, and think of the job and business stimulus all that construction would provide. Far more than anything B.O., aka Mao Dze Dung, achieved with the trillions he threw away.

Monday, April 16, 2012


That's the B.S. that B.O. the N.O. told a reporter with the gumption to ask about the cosmic travel bills this guy and his family compile. Yes, they have to travel with the CIA, but the American people know how hard he works for them and understand. This American person knows nothing of the sort but sees the Worst Family behaving like a welfare crew with carte blanche access to unlimited travel money, even if it is hot off the ever-runniing Treasury Dept. printing presses.

The CIA doesn't make the Worst Lady vacation in Africa nor demand that she take half of Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Air Force everywhere with her, her kids, and her dogs. This BADministration has the all-time WORST record for squandering taxpayer money on personal pleasures.


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Immmediately upon the shooting death of the Martin boy in Florida, local auhtorities investigated and found no reason to bring charges against the shooter, who was defenduing himself against a physical attack. NBC, busily creating a distorted, inaccurate fabrication of the event, and others of its "news" - manufacturing ilk, managed to stir up a fire a MONTH after the incidinet. Next, our conspicuoulsly racist government and several prominent rabble-rousing partially black racists fueled the flames, so now a different auhtority has brough charges. Let's hope it's possible to raise a sensible jury down there, for the guy clearly should be acquitted. Further, laws that allow us to gun down marauding thugs must always stand under the aegis of the SECOND AMENDMENT.

People that remember the war in South Vietnam - against the murderous North - will recall how "news" media helped fashion a losing effort and permitted millions to be enslaved under vicious Communism. Too many people that don't remember read the New Dork Times and the New Dorker and swallow the nonsense perpetrated there about that conflict.

Don't let the lousy "news" peddlers act as judges and juries.

Monday, April 9, 2012


B.O. the N.O. is always ballyhooing that we have to do without this, that, and the other - a sensible space program, a powerful military, and other incidentals - for the sake of "the hungry." I wonder where the devil all these ravenous souls are. I see some homeless people and a few beggars on the streets, and I suppose they are, indeed, hungry and in need of assistance. I imagine, too, there are elderly people that are somehow missed by the massive meal programs underway for them everywhere. If there are, they should be found and helped.

Where, though, is this army of starving citizens that require massive sacrifices? Just because a person receives welfare, does not make him hungry, for I see loads of welfare recipients that are downright blimps. These people are NOT hungry; they stuff themselves with fats and carbohydrates from morning to night.

Therefor I wish the Putzident would stop inventing groups of people that we don't have. I wish, in fact, he would stop inventing altogether. I could carve a better president out of a food stamp.