Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Happy I was to read that Snowe is quitting the senate, but the news item I saw erred in beginning "GOP Senator Snowe ..." GOP, my ***! I know people that have stopped giving money to the national Republicans because of this blatant Democrat, and well they should.

Hopefully she's calling it quits because people in her state have the sense to be keenly dissatisfied. Possibly she'll re-surface as a member of some Democrat BADministration somewhere.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Tsar B.O.'s modification of the contraception (abortions and abortion pills included)ukase is a silly mirage. So what if the tsar says that insurance companies, not institutions with contrary principles, must provide the loose sex bail-out? Since when does a company absorb the cost of anything? It imposes the cost upon its customers, of course, so people steadfastly opposed to those baby-killing procedures will end up paying for them anyway.

This is as stupid as decreeing, "I shall tax corporations." That's just more B.S. from B.O.; the corporations won't pay the tax, their customers will.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


For about 50 years now, this country has been treating Negroes/blacks/African-Americans to every freebie imaginable. Housing, food, college degrees invented to give them college degrees, jobs for which they aren't qualified, promotions they don't deserve - even a mulatto in the White House. Whenever one falls flat, however, the excuse is always the same. "They're out to get me because I'm a Negro/black/AA."

So it is with mulatto Holder and the disastrous, murderous Operation Fast and Furious." To the storm of criticism and inquiry, mulatto Eric says it's because he's an AA and his boss is, too.

What a useless racist he is. From pardoning heinous criminals during Klintoon's time to criminal negligence in the murder of Mexicans and an American agent in his inept management of a stupid idea.

Here's another conspicuous candidate for impeachment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I see the Servile Socialist, B.O., is bowing, scraping, and apologizing again - this time for the accidental burning of some copies of Mohammed's reported visions.

I haven't read that work, but I believe that any body of literature that condones the abuse of women, promises rewards for vicious brutes that happily murder unsuspecting bystanders, and approves the bestial behavior that characterizes frequent Muslim rampages deserves to be burned. Better yet, all extant copies of such a volume deserve to be collected in a huge pile and nuked out of existence.

Dump B.O. He stinks.

Monday, February 20, 2012


When someone, even an America-hating, baby-murdering, friend of terrorists like B.O. gets elected, he makes an oath to defend the Constitution. When said jerk does his utmost to circumvent the Constitution so as to violate it, that's breaking the oath, isn't it?

The House of Reps should get of its collective rump and impeach the son-of-a-bitch, not an insult, but a term literally true in his case.


Much ado about another junkie death, a common event in this once-great country. Uninterrupted funeral coverage! lags lowered! Tributes of all sorts! BULL SHIT. Sure, an unnecessary death is tragic, but how about the moral, hard-working, DECENT guy that expires from MS or cancer? Adulation for a dead junkie sets a great example for children, right? How long till she's on a postage stamp?

Saturday, February 11, 2012


His primary mission in life is to nullify, circumvent, or otherwise invalidate the Second Amendment, and in the NRA magazine, National Rifleman, I read an amusing account of his acumen. During recent hearings on the bill that represents his latest effort to torpedo that Right, a witness pointed out to him that his proposed law would impose restraints upon people guilty of no wrongdoing. Brilliant Shumer argued hotly, but the witness finally pointed out to him the very page and line numbers where it said EXACTLY what he was claimig it did NOT say.

To me this proves that these clowns deputize people to write up laws for them, then proceed to go argue in favor of what they haven't even read. It was exactly the same with this health care abomination. I doubt if any one person EVER plowed through that million-page disaster to discover just what atrocities it allows.

If ever a house needed cleaning, it's the senate side of the Capitol.


Well, folks, we've got this rule here - no, it's not a law, it circumvents Congress, which is the way this government operates - but we may make exceptions to it. Just petition our tsar, B.O., and he'll determine whether or not you have to comply.

What a crock! We all know a neighborhood organizer knows primarily how to foment unrest and that all these actions attributed to B.O. are planned by Soros, Harvard, Columbia, etc., but th concept of government by decree in this country goes back to pre-revolutionary times, doesn't it?


Friday, February 10, 2012


America's Catholic bishops are in a regular dither - and understandably so. B.O. and his BADministration are attempting to deny the Bill of Rights and to purge the name and concept of God from everything its corrupt tentacles reach, and in this country the federal government is tangled up in everything.

Now, the bishops are sending letters everywhere to exhort parishioners to complain to legislators about the outrageous excesses of this rotten excuse for a government.

My question is where were these guys when the clear and present danger of B.O. in the White House was patent in 2008? Were they fearful of criticizing a mulatto? Were some of them sufficiently left-wing actually to favor the creep? None of this mess, this turmoil, this threat to the very foundation of our government would have obtained had a decent man been elected president, and there was such a candidate. Some of the bishops had sense then; perhaps it's not too late for the others.