Saturday, August 27, 2011


That prophet asked,

"Can a woman forget her infant,
be without tenderness for the child of her womb?"

I guess we've shown him, haven't we?


Today I looked at a web page's "news" headlines. Under "Sports" were four items, one about the hurricane and these three

Bonds' Conviction Upheld by Judge
Former NBA Player Crittenton Charged with Murder
LSU's QB, Teammate Booked in Bar Fight and Released

What does one notice about these diverse incidents? Two are characters known by the laughable term, student-athlete, while a third is an ex - s.a. I don't know if Barry Bonds ever went to college; a degree's not required to handle a syringe.

All four named are African-Americans.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


1. Let's not crucify Michelle Bachmann (This is the Michelle that has sense and capability, not the Affirmative Action Queen). Who on earth pays attention to when a junkie, especially one exalted merely by clever marketing and generally without talent, was born and when he died?

2. Investigations have revealed that the death threats against David Letterperson, originally thought to be simply base publicity shenanigans to elevate his ratings, were, in fact, honest. They were made by the American Dental Association, who would like such a bad example of teeth removed from the public view.

3. Tim, The Taxpayer, Geithner has pledged the country to continuing, hypogean interest rates. Thanks, Tim, from milions of people whose livelihoods, in the form of retirement incomes, will remain artificially depressed in favor of cheap loans to people that don't repay. Where's AARP on that one? If you're a senior and subsidize AARP, better have yourself checked for Alzheimer's.

4. I saw just one snapshot and didn't hear the blow-by-blow, but I'll bet Georgetown U's athlete students defeated the Chinese guys in the basketball fistfight. The reason is that for basketball players, American universities tend to recruit thugs, and the District of Columbia is one of the thuggier parts of the country.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


It means “poor Norway,” not in the sense of impoverished, for this is a VERY, VERY, VERY wealthy nation, but to mean pitiable. I intend, of course, the recent atrocity that took place in Oslo and environs, and any country where such a thing occurred would be pitiable.

The unbelievable ineptitude of the Keystone Kops’ response to the tragedy is, however, utterly disgusting. They were unable to muster a police helicopter because ALL the pilots were vacationing??!! That’s what I read, and, in several ways, I wasn’t surprised.

Even in the days before the oil windfall, it was a land of vacations, and the work ethic was considered unethical. Then, as now, if a person were not taking a vacation, he was planning the next one.

As for the police, their best capability is laying booze traps to catch drivers with a drop of alcohol in their blood. This is not a bad thing to do, for take a look at drunk driving in our poor country. They are also highly keen when it comes to apprehending the smuggling in of commodities the government taxes into oblivion, alcohol and tobacco. An American woman that lived there told me she came home one day and remarked that the Salvation Army certainly maintained a prominent presence in Bergen. Her husband asked how she could tell that, and she proceeded to describe the peaceful men strolling the streets in those long, black cassocks, and those were the police!

It’s a beautiful, prosperous, happy nation with a government that tells everyone every move to make. Friends there complain about being controlled by a pack of Socialist farmers, which was their impression of the Storting (Parliament). The admirable lack of crime – it used to be that a rape made the national news, and nearly every violent crime is committed by one of the aliens the generous country encourages – explains, naturally, its unpreparedness for the mass murderer.

Stakkars Norge, to be sure, but all the police pilots on vacation at one time? The maniac had an hour and a half to shoot the poor victims. Wake up, Norge; start working a little and believe that no one, anywhere in this world, is completely safe.

How many lives is a vacation day worth, anyway?

Friday, August 19, 2011


I mean the surname of Montana's millionnaire, million-term senator. Generally, it's written "Baucus," but strong evidence indicates "Bacchus" is correct. He's a professional, Washington, D.C. politician who doesn't even own, in his name alone, a home in his "home" state and rarely bothers to go there.

Do a web search on his name, though, and see a YouTube segment of him drunk on the floor of the Senate and trying to make a speech.

This is the guy whom B.O. decided should head up his cure-the-economic woes-into-which-I've-plunged-us committee. Whoopee! The drinks are on the Senate!

What an excuse for a government!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Although families of the latest Afghan helicopter crash victims asked for no publicity, B.O., the perpetual campaigner, staged the arrival of the remains into a misleading photo. There was the terrific patriot, unable to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at times in the past giving a solemn salute to the dead. Even in silhouette, the Neighborhood Organizer, never as much as a Boy Scout, posed himself as a wartime leader. What an incredible phony! Thanks, majority of Americans for putting a putz in the White House. He's certainly piloting the Ship of State over the falls.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I believe it's one that has the disadvantage of being full of losers, possibly criminals.

For example, I just read of a neighborhood in London where a complaint was expressed via the tried and true tactic of looting. This seems often to be the case in neighborhoods that are described as "disadvantaged," doesn't it? Why didn't the article continue to tell us who these criminals are?

Friday, August 5, 2011



As Rush Limbaugh asked, "Why have a debt limit if, whenever we reach it, we just increase it? Why not stop having one?" It's another manifestation of our country's lack of standards; if we set a standard, such as school test scores, that we fail to meeet, why just lower the standards and preserve self-estemm or something. In the debt case, lowering the standard means elevating the debt limit.

The idea of a debt limit that's enforced, however, is a healthy thing. Individuals and busineses MUST abide by limits on indebtedness, else they succumb. In the House of Reps there was considerable good sense in approving a budget that reduced spending and did not exceed the routinely escalated debt limit. B.O. and the Dummycrat Senate, where most of the pork and thievery take place, however, wanted no part of that.

What we have is a green light for for more money-printing and borrowing and supposed spending reductions "over the next decade." Tee hee; in a decade, that will be only a memory.

What a BADministration; what a once-great country.