Saturday, April 30, 2011


I notice B.O. was in Alabama and wonder if he suppressed the urge to join in the looting. Compare ours to Japanese disaster behavior. When did we lose decency? Actually, it's just another aspect of losing standards, isn't it?

He was ballyhooing about how he'll run out and print up a new batch of money (thus making what we've got worth less and everything else, such as gasoline, cost more) so that anyone whose insurance doesn't cover his losses can get a loan or probably a handout. Say, a few years ago my home incurred $30,000 in tornado damage. The insurance company did just as it was contracted, and no one came around to offer me more.

Have you noticed Affirmative Action hire Attorney General Holder's (nee Affirmative Action hire Asst. Attorney General and Klintoon criminal pardoner) botch that caused us to ship thousands of weapons to Mexican outlaws? Nice going, Eric, and I see you're right on top of the price-fixing, price-gouging, windfall profit oil companies, too. You're a bright star in the BADministration, all right.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


In its Best Picture nominations and awards quite often the glitterworld of gutterviews waxes didactic in its films and seeks to proselytize us. For examples, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, just after MLKJr’s murder, was to teach us that miscegenation is wonderful, and Chariots of Fire, the piety and general goodness of Jews. (Since Jews control the film section of Horrywood, works on the goodness and suffering of the group are time-worn themes out there.)

So as not to bury the lead TOO MUCH, what Horrywood was promulgating in the Black Swan, which, incidentally, is the term for a pas de deux in Swan Lake, were
1. the therapeutic benefits of masturbation
2. that ballet is thoroughly sleazy and scrofulous (Horrywood seeks to drag everything down to its own level), and MOSTLY
3. the joys and acceptability of woman-on-woman sex

The premise of the film was invalidated by its content. The foul-mouthed, danseuse-screwing choreographer purportedly sought to create a new take on Swan Lake, which is what led to the competition among soloists to gain the main role. When the ballet was performed, however, it was no more innovative than any production in the last 100 years, so why not have a principal dance the part and scotch the bogus competition idea? (The queer version some years ago was no less disgusting, but it was different.)

Black Swan seeks to teach you that ballet is all dark and umbrageous. Don’t believe that rot and don’t waste your shekels on this negligible film.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Very much so, I guess, for many of them voted for Bill Klintoon, the impeached womanizer, and B.O., the - whatever he is.

I have in mind the self-destructive act of marrying a Muslim. Do they imagine the profuse tales of abuse are fables? Do they suppose that if they have chidren that get into papa's country, the kids will ever be allowed to exit? American women, better to spend your lives alone than beaten up.

Hmm. I just got to speculating whether B.O., a crypto-Muslim, abuses the Worst Lady; she's not so smart, we know.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Following in a long queue of Horrywood's (my term for the world's aggregate entertainment industry) multifaceted geniuses, Michael Douglas continues to shine.
In addition to his brilliant dramatic career, he impregnated, then purchased Zeta Jones and now has turned diplomat, self-appointed, anyway.

Lately he popped up at the U.N. with a petition for nuclear disarmament he said had been signed by a million people. Must have been quite a piece of paper.

I just wonder what Mike, probably a military strategist, as well, would recommend we do if, say, the Chinese came at us with about a billion soldiers, and we had only conventional weapons. Add to this the fact that we have a BADministration determined to reduce and undermine the defensive power we have. Tell us, General Douglas.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I paraphrase the legedary line uttered to him by a kid after reading of Joe Jackson's helping to throw the 1919 World Series.

In my case, though, it's not incredulity at what a revered idol had done but, rather, incredulity at what the putz in the White House said.

B.O., the Neighborhood Organizer, "present" voter - except for baby murder, stranger to his U.S. senate seat, and probable foreign national, has just pled for more than a 20% increase in the "education" budget!!!!!!

Tell him it ain't so, Congress; tell him it ain't so. (Written to conform to contemporary eduucation standards in the U.S.)

If anything we should DECREASE the education budget if not annihilate the laughable, prodigal, mess of a department altogether and reduce the throw-aways on unaccountable, pixilated tangents to education.

I know one urban study that showed the ranking on achievement tests in parts of the city to be exactly the inverse of the amount of $ wasted in them; that is, the greatest expenditure was in the lowest-ranked district, and the least $ corresponded to the best performance.

Don't be hoodwinked by B.O.'s blather. We've had DECADES to disprove that higher spending increases performance. Look at out lamentable ranking compared to other countries in various subjects. STOP WASTING MY INCOME, already decreased by BADministration policies.

We need FEWER college students, too. Raise the standards to where they once were and stop subsidizing incompetents to get degrees in Sociology, Black Studies, Women's Studies, and comparable boondoggles.

Monday, April 11, 2011


(Sorry, I don't know Arabic, but I know I must have some bilingual appeal.)

I read that the WHITE HOUSE is producing a NEW BOOK! This by Michelle, the Worst Lady. My first question is, "Who is writing it?"

The Worst Lady, you know, she that hates the U.S. for discriminating against her all her life and keeping her from doing what she wanted, flunked the entrance exam at Princeton but was admitted, anyway. This Affirmative Action Queen later turned in the shortest undergraduate thesis in the history of the school, so I'm wondering who's the ghost writer.

Apparently the book deals with her crusade for good nutrition - in schools. Remember, this is where a big chunk of the "education" budget goes to buy dinners - lunches and breakfasts already included - for obese children whose slob parents, with their welfare windfalls, are too stupid to know how to feed their kids anything but Big Mucks, Frozen Pizzas, and Cheetos. (These create minimal disturbance to the contuberal relations of single "mothers" busily creating the next generation of undernourished, but fat, welfare recipients.

I can't wait for a copy!