Thursday, September 30, 2010


Lately I saw a 1930s book, entitled "Westward," and authored by E. Douglas Branch.

A chapter is called "When Massachusetts Was West," but, contemplating topics such as legalizing queer unions and illiterately calling them "marriages," Barney Frank, Toad and the other Kennedys, and B.O.'s pixilated Harvard puppeteers, I decided he must have meant "When Massachusetts Was Worst."

Naturally, the answer is, "Presently, and for quite a few years now."

Friday, September 24, 2010


Even Yves needs a rest now and then, and here am I vacationing for a bit.

I did notice, however, that B.O. is at the U.N. Wow! What do you suppose a Neighborhood Organizer can tell anyone about international affairs? Hmm. It seems probable that he was born in a foreign country, so perhaps that counts for something.

Also heard that Emmanuel, the "foul-mouthed ballet dancer from Chicago," as the Washington Post once called him, will be the next mayor of Chicago. Having bankrupted the place, Daley is jumping ship, I hear, and you can bet the sagacious Chicago electorate will vote where the welfare $ seems most likely.

It's a great place to live if you're thrilled over the high probability of being murdered.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I read that Neil Harris and his partner in queerdom, David Burtka, are being permitted to adopt or to outsource (buy, that is) twin children.

Is that not a great triumph of what passes for a society within these cheesecloth borders?

What sort of view of the world and the values on which this country was constructed do you suppose those children will absorb in their "home" life?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Of course, today I imply the symbolic copy of the Koran - that's how we used to transliterate the word - or Queran, if you prefer, and it makes no difference if a minister or a guy on the street does it. It's the thought that counts, right?

I'm not sufficiently well-educated to have read a translation into a language I understand, but, certainly, I have an opinion that depends upon a single condition.
**IF** that book would persuade a reasonable person that the sort of deplorable, terrorist violence associated with this date and which continues around the world today, is sanctioned by GOD, then I say burn every damned one of them.


Whenever the date 11 September occurs to me, as it often does, my initial thought, after regret, is FAILURE: failure of the CIA, of the FBI, of National Security, of our air defenses, of the idiotic airline companies.

Before the end of that nightmare day Pres. Bush should have sacked the head of every government agency implied above. Furthermore, he should have summoned the Attorney General - we had a real one then - and begun suing for criminal negligence the living hell out of every airline carrier involved .

I'm not a great diplomat, and I lack the intelligence information - if any - that our agencies could provide Bush that day, but concurrently with mourning our dead, I believe I would have sent very warm, air-borne greetings to some parts of the world I KNEW were responsible and created enough new dead to discourage even CONTEMPLATION of another such villainous set of acts.

May the souls of those sacrificed to our monstrous unpreparedness and FAILURES rest in peace.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I read that "it is no longer wise to believe that American extremists will not resort to suicide bombings," and the example given was the Ft. Hood mass morderer, Nidal Hasan, who reportedly wrote about suicide in his diary.

Whoa! Una Momento!

"Nidal Hasan" ain't no American name!

"Oh, prejudiced Yves. I'll bet if you ran any sort of security operation here, you'd pay more attention to Nidal Hasan than to someone conforming to your concept of how an America looks."

You are damned right, I would, and, as a consequence, we just might not be observing that catastrophic anniversary tomorrow. Homegrown, my ass!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Yes, indeed, according to B.O. our cosmic debt isn't adequately crushing, so he wants to turn out some more monopoly money to stimulate further the economy his criminal spending has failed to stimulate. Now, it's the infrastructure to be saved. Hallelujah! Wasn't that what the first round of shameful pork waste was supposed to target?

Watch the value of your dollar drop further, folks, in concert with the value of your country.

Naturally, the Dummycrat congress will flock towards more spending, 'cause they and their bribers get most of the loot.


WHO? The able-bodied welfare parasites

WHAT? Labor Day?

I was just wondering how people that have never worked and have no intention of ever working celebrate a day to honor those that work. Maybe they help conceive children to follow in their own footsteps. No, walking is work - their own sofa imprints.

Even more seriously I wonder why politicians allow these pigs to persist in the work of ruining our country.