Saturday, May 15, 2010


My keyboard, like most objects in the universe, is less versatile than my quick mind and lacks the umlaut "O" I attempted to indicate in the title. The subject is a mathematical result, which, ignoring the umlaut, is applicable to part of the BADministration.
I read that our Attorney Generous (so-called for his persuading Klintoon to pardon a bevy of deplorable cruds that still should be behind bars) says he hasn't read the entirety of Arizona's ILLEGAL scum aliens law.
This may be because Holder, another Affirmative Action hire and not overwhelmingly acute, is illiterate, but it comes AFTER his vehement denunciation of the law!
At any rate I applaud Arizona's law and wish that Holder were back wherever he was before his Affirmative Action days.


Even I require a little recruitment now and then so shall take a much-deserved vacation for a couple of weeks. If I'm unable to post anything in that period, do not repine; Yves will be back shortly, not to mean like Joe Yul, aka Mickey Rooney, but soon.
People talk about "the health care crisis." Before the misguided propelled B.O. the N.O. into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, no one used the term. The crisis is this: a majority of legislators, plenty of them swayed by sleazy deals and outright bribes, rammed up and down our alimentary canals a rotten law, featuring taxpayer-funded baby murder and other atrocities, that is despised by a huge majority of the nation's population, even counting the ton of illegal scumbags the BADministration is indisposed to expel. Now, THAT is a crisis!
Misguided people, many of them in common with the crew mentioned above, talk longingly about a "nuke-free world." Are they entirely pixilated ninnies? How would we prevail in a war with conventional weapons against the billion or so Chinese? How about a billion or so Indians? How about the combined forces of the U.S.-loathing, jihad crazy, rabid Muslim world? Awaken, Pollyanna's; nuclear weapons guarantee your survival.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We have the situation where someone with no governing experience nominates for the Supreme Court a person with no experience of litigation and only experience as a rabid liberal!

I try to console myself with the thought that it could be worse; Michelle, the Worst Lady could be the nominee. This, however, is not great consolation, for every Dummycrat senator would be salivating to vote "yes" for that pig.

Good grief! What a BADministration!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The latest certifiable lunatic earmarked for the Supreme Court is Kagan, a foaming-at-the-mouth nut formerly roaming around Cambridge, MA, home territory for many of that type.
B.O. & Co.'s notion of a judge is one that denies the Constitution in favor of his/her own bigoted view of law or, at best, imagines it to have been written by Frank Baum.
Citizens should contact the minority of sane senators and urge them to derail the Ruination Express. At the moment the forces of reason hold the narrowest of margins, and that small body is all that stands between this country and the place in Ireland mentioned above.
Further, please do something in November to shift the legislative balance so as to favor our survival, OK?

Monday, May 10, 2010


In the American-Mexican t-shirt confrontation, a high school badministrator has once again shown a wide yellow streak; he ordered the American side to hide their apparel sentiments because of fear that the Mexicans might wax unruly.

It's the usual story; if group X, prone to lawlessness and violence, opposes group Y, pacifically disposed, someone in authority decides in favor of X so as not to cause trouble. Also as usual, the result is an injustice done to Y.

Parents of school children should understand the rules and regulations and stand up for them; else, they will awaken one day to find themselves deprived of all rights by cowards that have wormed their ways into authority.

P.S. To a person supposed to be an American, what the devil significance has the 5th of May?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The latest mass-murderer wanna be is another - what else? - Muslim, a naturalized citizen. So much for the reliability of that process.

This jerk had been suspected and was, in fact, being surveilled by 2 of our impeccable-quality security experts - Muslims also? one wonders, perhaps affirmative action hires - but he eluded them! Good work, security experts!
Being suspect, this wanna be murderer was also on the "no fly" airline list, but guess what? The lousy assassin got on a plane, anyway! More kudos to airport/airline security. Keep pretending all would-be mass murderers are identical and pat down 85-year-old western women in wheelchairs while the intended, conspicuous terrorists float aboard.
Happily, someone awoke and dragged the vermin off the plane. Once again the Commander-in-Chief could have ordered him executed on the tarmac, but that semi-Muslim, semi-black squatter in the White House is all for trials, so get ready to shell out, working, tax-paying suckers! Maybe for laughs, Holder will lead the prosecution.


I mean Mikey Boombag, of course, billionaire mayor New York, champion of queers and illegal aliens, unsuccessful meddler in other states' elections, and opponent of legally-owned firearms. Illegally-obtained ones are OK with Boombag.
Truly loony liberals make any number of laughable, stupidly bigoted comments, but Boombag's latest must sink to the bottom of the stupidly bigoted list.
Boombag pontificated, or rabbinicated, that someone opposed to to the medical insurance disaster was a probable candidate for the aborted Times Square bomb attempt. Perhaps he thought he had probability on his side, since the great majority of people in this country oppose it.
Shrewd deduction, Boombag; no Muslim, queer, or illegal alien could have done it, right? Well, literate people, read just who it was and grade Boombag's conclusion accordingly.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here I've used a current euphemism for law-breaking, ILLEGAL aliens. Citizenship, my *** ! They should be rounded up and booted out.
Furthermore, these anti-Arizona, anti-sensible law rallies are an excellent opportunity to nab them by the hundreds and get a head start of the job.