Monday, February 1, 2010


Picture an Islamic ("Islam" means "peace," I read! Is that a joke, or what?) terrorist on a U.S.-bound plane and trying his damnedest to blow it out of the sky.

B.O.'s security system/administrators/personnel are childishly defeated, but the murderous, self-proclaimed religious soldier is apprehended.

He's a soldier, right? He's out of uniform, right? (Not even the checkered, Arafat turban affair, so far as I know). Seems to me military law says he could be dragged off the plane, stood up against an empty hangar, and shot full of holes. Next best, he could be dragged off the plane, given a swift court martial, and then handled according to plan A above. He'd have been happy, right? Off to see Allah after a less than successful peace (Islam) mission, but credited with a good try.

However, the Neighborhood Organizer, the Commander-in-Chief that was never so much as a cub scout and wouldn't know a sergeant's stripes from a general's stars, decided that this maggot would get a shot in our civilian courts! Unbelievable! Is there a sign out there saying,
"Please come murder us, maggots; we'll do our best to free you? signed, the U.S."

I'm not as bloodthirsty as the average Islamic (peace) emissary, but I recommend court martial, then hard-time prison until the maggot rots.

Can you imagine the rights of an American terrorist in the maggot's excuse for a country. This isn't croquet; this is a fight to survive!!!!!

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