Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The slant-eyed anus presently ruining N. Korea was accused of slandering B.O.'s race, or part of it, by calling him "a monkey from a tropical forest," or something like that. Well, that's not doing justice to the lunatic over there. He didn't say B.O. looked like a monkey - anyway, does the inference that the remark was a racial insult suggest that people think blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, etc. LOOK like monkeys? - merely that he was one, and therein lies a great distinction.

You see, if I called the N. Korean dictator an anus, it's an insult yes, but not racial. If I said he looked like an anus, it might be considered racially motivated IF ASIAN PEOPLE GENERALLY RESEMBLE THAT PART OF THE ANATOMY, which I don't suppose to be true. In fact, I called him a slant-eyed anus, which is racial, because all Asians have eyes that appear slanted. Notice the difference.

Now, in past posts in this blog I compared B.O. to Curious George, who is a monkey, but that wasn't racial, because C.G. is a creature always getting into things he fails to understand and making a botch of them. This is exactly what B.O. does, and it has nothing to do with race. Understood?

Happy New Year,


P.S. As a matter of fact, though, B.O. DOES resemble Curious George, don't you think?

P.P.S. Just imagine - if the world, especially the U.S., had treated S. Korea the way it did S. Vietnam, that slant-eyed anus would be running BOTH North and South Korea! Thank goodness that in that time we still had values and the knowledge and will to fight wars, even though that one stopped short of blasting the antagonists into dust, which is what they richly deserved..

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I noticed years ago that incompetent people with some authority work so as to surround themselves with sycophants that are of that same sort; otherwise the authority feels threatened and insecure.The organization deteriorates in quality, but that's no matter to the insecure.

Not surpriinsgly, then, B.O. has labored to stock up his BADministration with people like himself, inexperienced amateurs that are in some way members of a minoroity. (The majority sex, women, count as minorities here, since they want to be treated as such when it means gain and advantage.) This accounts for the disastrous appointees to the Supreme Court and the farcical heads of many departments, offices, bureaus, and whatever else they call the Washington, D.C.overburden. Transportation Safety and Surgeon General are recent examples.

Consistent with that plan, I'd like to recommend Jesse Jackson for Secretary of Defense; he's always flying around, almost as frequently as the Worst Lady, to defend somebody or other. If  Jesse's unavailable, then Holder - another of the crew - can work a pardon for Jesse Junior, and he can have the job.

A possible problem with these candidates, though, is that they might think they're being asked to be Secretary of the Fence.


Words from St, John Chrysostum (sobriquet meaning "golden-mouthed")

[When married couples] "are in harmony, THE CHILDREN ARE WELL BROUGHT UP (emphasis mine), the domestics are in good order, and neighbors, and friends, and and relations enjoy the fragrance. But if it be otherwise, all is turned upside down and thrown into confusion."

Therefore, married couples - meaning women with men, of course - concentrate on building that harmony, and couples contemplating marriage, don't do it if you can't live in that fashion. If you're an unmarried woman, please don't get yourself "enceinte." 

Thursday, November 27, 2014


"Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart the last Thursday in November next as a day which I declare to be observed by all my fellow citizens, wherever they may be then, as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God, the benevolent Creator of the Universe."

Thus, it seems to me that atheists must hate Thanksgiving, too, and what about Halloween = The Eve of All Hallows = The Eve of All Saints Day? They may be losing holidays left and right..

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


1. Wake Up, Little Suzie! A very old Everly Brothers song is meant to jog our electorate into sanity. Even the sea of panhandlers, including the illegal alien scum, ought to realize that the well eventually goes dry and that the desiccated corpse of Uncle Sam is about empty of blood. Anyone interested in minor points such as the extermination of the Constitution by Communist amateurs also please copy, and don't vote for Democrats. It's inconceivable that any senate election should be close; it's time for even the rankest dumbbells to realize that all this seniority crap isn't doing them a particle of good, it's only lining the pockets of the clowns they elect time after time after .... and permitting them to live like feudal lords. It's NOT for you, dumbbells, it's for themselves!!!!

2. Abre' Los Ojos. It's about all the Spanish I know, but why not get off your asses and learn enough English to read # 1 above.

3. ~^`/^~   As you see, I don't know any Arabic, but why not learn enough English or Spanish and struggle through # 1 or # 2 above.


I do, and I've been asking fervently for an outbreak of sanity among our electorate, which request I believe was lately answered in many places. I notice Minnesota re-elected its senate clown, and Montana gave 45% of its senate votes to a conspicuous Communist, but, for the most part, Americans voted in the apparent direction of a country possessed of decency and a Constitutional government. My next prayer intention is that the newly-elected legislature will possess the gumption to slap down the semi-white, would-be tsar. They have the guns, in fact, to make a good run at impeaching the cancer.


P.S. The Worst Lady's allowance of a fried chicken meal as a reward for voting Demo - irrespective of the nature of the candidate - seems to have been insufficient. Should she have tossed in a slice of watermelon?  

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Government's response to any problem is to create more government - possibly a few positions, better yet an entire new branch of itself. Thus, it is no surprise that to contend with ebola there is a sub-tsar, B.O.'s being the main tsar. What is surprising is the nature of the sub-tsar, not a scientist, but a political hack. He has been elevated from Joe Biden's staff, which means that the bad news continues. Biden is consummately stupid - he makes Dan Quayle look like Edward Teller -  and a hallmark of the stupid in authority is their surrounding themselves with others of that ilk, meaning stupid. This is so that they never feel threatened. Thus, we have a stupid non-scientist about to bungle a scientific problem.

This BADministration has bungled every problem, and how does anyone sentient explain NOT closing the border to travelers from the areas where a killer disease is rampant? They should not be allowed to board planes with destinations in this country, and asking a few more questions after they are here makes no sense at all.

Is Congress such a collection of poltroons, fearful to risk slapping down even a mulatto, that will ignore a significant threat to our public health? Apparently so. If Congress refuses to assume the Constitutional authority granted it, what difference is it who sits in it?