Friday, September 12, 2014

WELCOME BACK, LEGISLATORS *** I've been wondering whether, while you were campaigning or/and vacationing, the criminal immigrants pouring across our border with rotten Mexico took a sportsman-like time-out and remained in rotten Mexico. What do you suppose? By the way, what do you plan to do about these scum? Nothing before November, I guess, since, as everyone knows, being elected or re-elected is far more important than the welfare of the country. After that, though, I can only guess that the answer will be to continue to ignore the problem for the same reason, right? Congratulations, patriots.

P.S. 1. Do I understand correctly that part of the great anti-ISIS strategy of the Neighborhood Organizer is to arm "moderate Muslims" to oppose "radical Muslims?" Wasn't our arming "moderate Muslims" what gave bin Laden the big boost? Kindly provide me the names of ten "moderate Muslims;" the breeed is as scarce as "moderate Democrats." P.S. 2. I've read and heard for decades about our "staunch ally," Israel, but all I've ever noticed that it's done for us is to collect our money, intentionally sink one of our ships, and murder everyone on board. Israel is next door to Syria, whereas we're aroud the world from it. Isreael has this terrific military the U.S. bought for it, so why can't it help us for a rare change and do some of the ISIS dirty work?

Friday, September 5, 2014

NO STANDARDS, NO IDEALS *** I saw few of Robin Williams' performances but generally enjoyed them, especially in "The Secret Agent" and "24-Hour Photo." He was highly amusing as Slip Mahoney in an SCTV skit entitled "The Bowery Boys in the Band," a satire in which the old movie gang were all queers. (As queers have risen to the status of a valuable and protected species, rather like spotted owls, this might not be seen today.) Therefore, I don't require convincing that he was a talented man. When it comes down to it, however, he was a recidivous, reformed junkie and drunk that died by his own hands a junkie and drunk. While I can understand him as a cover man for "People," where celebrity thugs and sluts are regularly exalted, why on earth would "Time" give him the same coverage? Was he a wild Democrat campaign fund contributor? It is a conundrum in the class of how a newly-elected Neighborhoof Organizer of zero experience in anything was handed a Peace Prize. I feel great sorrow when anyone, especially an accomplished individual, dies before his time and especially so when the person takes his own life, in the eyes of many the only unforgivable sin, but I see the posthumous hero worship accorded Mr. Williams as one more sign of the degeneracy our national standards and ability to discriminate bewtween what is good and what is not. Drunks and junkies deserve no respect, but I wager it will be no time before Mr. Williams is staring up at us from the $1.25, forever postage stamp.