Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. is an institution for the deaf maintained by funds from HHS - i.e., our tax money - and founded by the philanthropy of Thomas Gallaudet (1787-1851). At NYU he was the first Professor of the Philosophy of Education, which, regarding the utter deterioration in education in this country, sounds highly dangerous.

Lately, a member of GC's administration, the category of personnel that skim off way too many of the dollars budgeted for education in this nation, fell into disfavor by signing a Church petition opposing queer unions, erroneoeously caller "marriages" by the illiterate and the brainwashed. She was suspended from her position, and the point of this commentray is mainly her job title.

She is GC's Chief Diversity Officer!!! Imagine that; the place has resources to hire someone to safeguard the degree of its diversity. When any operation is more concerned with the admixture of people's doing the work than in the QUALITY of the work accomplished, can there be anything but declension in its future?

Look all about you and answer the question. An insistence upon diversity is the rotten apple spoiling all of our barrels, and, in every case, the infection can be traced directly to D.C.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Recall that "Horrywood" is my term for the entertainment media at large and is based on its usage in the film "1941."

One of the big components of Horrywood is what calls itself the Weinstein Group, with principal Harvey Weinstein, who happens to be a big contributor to B.O.'s effort to continue his attack on the Constitution and general vitiation of this country.

Harvey, possibly named after the giant rabbit, & Co. have produced a dramatized version of the assault on bin Laden's secret enclave and killing of that lousy rodent. Guess when it will appear on television? Did you say TWO DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION? Well, then, you are absolutely correct. Horrywood, in addition to your money in its collective pocket, is pulling out the stops to paint B.O., the neighborhood organizer, in some sort of golden light, and I can't wait to see the concentrated distortion and flattery.

When it comes down to it, however, all Curious George did was say, when asked for permission, "Yeah, kill the guy," as a conclusion to an operation that had been ongoing since prior to his unfortunate election. We're supposed to cheer, I guess, for his use of an affirmative instead of awarding the mass murderer a free cell phone or a wallet of food stamps.

Much of Horrywood is controlled by Jews, we know, and they are acutely adept at this sort of propaganda. So often in the past, following acts of Israel's particular aggression or nastiness, Horrywood is swift to pop out another in the never-ending sequence of holocaust tear-jerkers in order to divert attention from the wrongs of the motherland. Harvey, then, is merely following in the well-trod footsteps of his ethnic and professional predecessors.  

If you're interested in watching his uniquely timed spectacle, check out this partial list of the cast.

Alec Baldwin as bil Laden
Scarlett Johansson as B.O., the Putzident of the United States
Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton as Navy SEALs
NBC, MSNBC, NPR, ABC, CBS, and CNN as Pakistan

Friday, October 5, 2012


Two days after B.O. got his rump royally and very visibly kicked by Romney, he gets a "boost," as one of the many biased "news" sources put it, by the amazing drop in unemployment to the lowest level in 44 months.

Come on, BADministration; you're continually later revising down optimistic estimates that you make at the time, and this bit of data has the fetor of one of Richad J. Daley's late-night hidden ballot box finds. Well, that's where B.O. learned the trade of dirty, treacherous politicking, isn't it?

Pay no attention, readers; it's just another B.O. lie, and they gush out of him like the oil he won't let us pump.

By the way, congratulations to Mr. Romney, but who couldn't blast B.O. in a debate? He's done so much wrong, committed so many blunders and underhanded, traitorous acts, I could pound him myself.

Wake up this time, voters!