Saturday, July 31, 2010


I found a two-month-old copy of a Denver Post, which taught me that school officials there were disturbed.

First of all, I want to remark that it seems to be ONLY school officials = administrators (not to be confused with EDUCATORS)in LARGE CITIES that become disturbed. Apparently their counterparts in places like Duluth, Minnesota; Worland, Wyoming; and Norman, Oklahoma roll along in comparative tranquility. I wish someone would esxplain to me why it is mainly city schooools that promote ulcers. What the devil is prominent in them to make them centers of educational dyspepsia? Someone out to study large cities and deduce why their students are such a never-ending problem. Whatever is it about cities that make oligophrenic students?

The data for Denver's several high schools showed that their percents of studets requiring "remedial classes while in college" ranged from 47% to 99%!

An initial, obvious question is a simple one; if a kid can't do college-level work why is he or she allowed into one? Aren't colege entrance exams and requirements good enough to discriminate between people sufficiently capable to get along there and those that are not? Why admit a blockhead that's earmarked for failure? Isn't that WHY we have examinations? Are many of these Worst Lady Princeton admissions; i.e., fail but get accepted anyway? Why waste resources that might be used to make good students better? They, after all, are our nation's hope.

The short answer is that in many states the public colleges must accept any blockhead that graduates high school and is able to eke out a pass on a trivial entrance exam - note well what gets admitted solely to frolic on the football, basketball, etc. teams and then ask yourself how difficult it must be to slip in. Since high schools pass along every blockhead that wastes space in them, the blockheads get into college. Of course, my solution to that nonsense is to mainytain standards and keep the duds out of universities. Even more basically, I would deprive blockheads of high school diplomas if they don't deserve them.

A second simple question of the same type is, if a blockhead infiltrates a college and can't cut it, why don't THOSE educationj officials just bounce him or her out on his or her - ear. Wonder why this country resembles the last minutes of the Titanic? Figure it out, or are you a blockhead, too?

Denver's pedagogical savants, at any rate, have decided exactly what are needed; "turnaround strategies for exising schools and opening new schools to address the lapses." This, taxpayers will be dismayed to learn, translates easily as spending MORE MONEY, which is the chant of inept people that can't do the jobs with the resources given them. Furthermore, anyone remember - was anyone ever TAUGHT - the aphorism about silk purses and sows' ears?

STOP FLUSHING OUR MONEY! Don't imagine for a second that the bucks to waste on Denver's, doomed "turnaround strategies" will come solely from Denver pockets or even from Colorado pockets, because the feds are always willing to spend YOUR $ in the decades-old, HOPELESS cause of refuting that aphorism. Did your state vote for this idiocy?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I visited some relatives that have an outfit called Hughes, as in Howard, for their ISP. I discovered that the company HQ is around Baltimore, which may account for the ludicrous fake/distoted "news" these loonies broadcast. (Have you driven through Baltimore lately? I have. Take a tip - lock your car doors, for here is another Model City that definitely IS NOT SAFE.) The people showed me a Hughes headline that described Gen. McChrystal as "disgraced!"

What a load of rot! He stood up and told the public what schlock, sham clowns are the Commander-in-Thief and his Harvard Puppeteers. This is about as disgraced as Ben Franklin, Tom Jefferson, and George Washington were when they told the Brits to stuff it. I'd like to be equally disgraced.

In other news are two stories of low-down creeps' prevalance, as often occurs when courts are involved.

First, the Swiss denied the U.S. extradition of obscene Polanski and freed the sewer rat. At least he won't be coming here, unless he chooses to walk across our unwatched borders.

Second, a "federal" judge from - guess where if you don't already know - decided that parts of the Defense of Marriage Act are unconstitutional! Yes, an almost trivial puzzle, it was in the land of the Massholes, where queer unions, stupidly called "marriages," are sanctified, and Toad Kennedy would have been dirtying the Senate for a thousand terms if he'd lived that long. May we hope that some court of appeal is less pixilated than that one?

Monday, July 26, 2010


Yes, folks, he called his "movement" the 26th of July Movement, for on that date Dr. Castro, in classic Commie fashion, took to the mountains of Oriente Province, I believe it was, to prosecute gurilla warfare. Of course Fulgencio Batista was a rotten dictator, but also in classic Commie fashion, Cuba got a worse one in exchange. Fidelito proved himself a vicious, uncompromising model, in fact, from whose clutches people fled by the tens of thousands. After the Russians bailed out of the morass, he ran the country into the crumbling ruin it is today.

Remember that the next time you have the opportunity to vote for a Commie. There will be some available come November and, unfortunately, two years from then.


According to an item sent me from an Alabama newspaper, "Rednecks" were originally Rebel soldiers that wore red collars and were said to be particularly vicious fighters. The author claimed to be proud to be called one. This does not jive with what I find on the web, where there's a great deal of rot, and language morons persist in using "gay" to denote queers, but I've yet to adopt Wikipedia as my guide to facts.

I was reminded of the Confederate term "Bluebellies" to refer to Union troops.

What do you think?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I wonder how much Nathan the Yahoo's visit to Washington will cost us. Every time an Israeli politician drops by, we, the tax-paying dupes, shell out the shekels.

Has anyone ever published data on how much we GIVE - meaning out-and-out charity - that insignificant country annually? Is that ever a headline? Why do you suppose we do it? Denken daran.


The Blagojevich trial re-emphasizes what a gutter ball held the office of Governor of Illinois (Thank goodness B.O. never had any contact with him! :-) ), and I'm wondering if that state has the dumbest electorate in the country. They selected that foul-mouthed clown TWICE, for heaven's sake!

Years ago their governors, irrespective of party, were always guilty of something or other; a secretary of that state died with a closet full of shoe boxes stuffed with license plate checks he'd stolen; Chicago had a convicted felon (Democrats seem to gravitate towards tax evasion) as mayor and was so proud of him they've named buildings after the jerk; they put B.O. in the state, then national, senates; and they voted for him on Disaster Day, 4 November 2008.

Plenty of other states have demonstrated their electoral stupidity at all levels, too, but Illinois must lead the league in office-holding criminals. What sort of people have such a tortile view of character and qualifications? Someone should do a demographic study of Illinois and discover who are all the stupid, unqualified voters there.

Monday, July 12, 2010


We had ambition, the spirit of adventure and discovery, the will to confront a gigantic task and succeed! What a heady era!

On 20 July 1969, under President Nixon and set into motion by Kennedy, "men from the planet earth first set foot on the moon."

In terms of distance, not to mention other dimensions, the years have only shrunk us. Typical missions are 100 miles, not 250,000 - that's contraction by a factor of 2500, by the way - and presently we lack even the facility for shooting a guy into space and retrieving him. We plan to rely upon our still spy-happy pals, the Russians, for that, and how long will it be until our space program, if any, is outsourced to Chinamen? (Don't wax apoplectic E. and W. Coasters; people habitually say "Englishmen," "Scotsmen," and "Irishmen," and thus far not even the nuttiest of liberals mind those appellations.)

The new NASA head is another racial appointee, and already Pres. Bush's idea of getting to Mars has been scrapped. Hmm. Where might that budget money go? Possible targets are

1. Breakfasts for the "poor" school children, probably overweight, whose parents haven't the inclination or the brains to cook them and whose welfare handouts go for cigarettes, booze, fast food, and other essentials.

2. The overwhelming deficit this pixilated "health" program will create.

3. Litigating a state with the sense to try and preserve a degree of integrity in our laughably porous, federally-ignored borders.

4. Pelosi's plane.

5. The Worst Lady's trips to New York City.

The possibilities are endless. " ... we thought they'd never end," but, sadly, they did.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Days ago I spoke to a man from Norway, and he told me B.O. is very popular there.

Not a person alive in that country, as well as in Sweden and Denmark, has not had Socialism stuffed up and down his alimentary canal from the day of his birth. Just as B.O.& his puppeteers are aiming here, the government controls every aspect of life in those countries, and even governments labeled "right" or "moderate" in them have been benign dictatorships.

Further, they entertain a consuming pity and fascination for anyone pumping any quantity of African-type blood through his veins, so a partial black Socialist dictator would naturally be a big personality there.

Next question, please.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


At the time of the 2008 election disaster, I saw several published images of illegible ballots that some liberal crazies in Minnesota decided meant "Franken." Had Florida been equally dishonest, Gorp might have been President. Hmm, I do believe I'd take him over Curious George.

At any rate, by a number of votes roughly tabulatable on a normal set of fingers and toes, Comedian Al became a Dummycrat, B.O. - rubber stamping senator.

Lately he redeemed his clown credentials by falling asleep at a judiciary committee hearing on Pig Kagan. Al probably figured somnolence was excused, though, for the Dummycrat majority would vote for Jesse Jerkson, Spike Lee, Kobe Bryant, the well known rapist, or the Worst Lady if one of them had been nominated.

Way to go, election thieves, and I'll bet Al's staff are proud to have jobs with him.


Oh, the drinking mug? Why, the Franken Stein, naturally.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


As soon as I learned that the White House crew were running the 2010 census, I knew the reports would be falsified for loony liberal purposes, but I believe even the collection of the data is flawed.

A rural friend wrote me that on 19 April he noticed a piece of ppaer stuck in a bush about 30 yards from his house. It turned out to be his census form, due 1 April - an appropriate date for B.O. & Co. - which had apparently been stuck on the outside of the house and blown away by wind! Though a little the worse for rain, it had dried and was legible, so they completed it and returned it in the envelope provided to an address in another state. My friend, however, could not resist writing that he wondered if the census forms this year had been dropped from helicopters or airplanes.

Some weeks later his wife received a call from a local census person, complaining that their form had never been received and wanting to come to the house to question them. She said she didn't see why, in light of their having returned the form, why that was necessary. By this time the census folks had no idea where the form had gone - a consequence of the post office's having been involved? - so the wife answered a couple of questions over the phone. One of these was whether the family were Hispanic, highly vital, these days, we know, which the wife refused to answer, though the surname should have provided the negative answer.

Who knows how or as what this family will be counted, but whatever B.O. and C. decided about the population, I'll wait for 2020 and hope for an objective, responsible proceeding. By the way the family were disappointed over the possibility that no one had read their snide remark.


P.S. Did you know that on INdian reservatiuons, census takers are required to be INdians? Otherwise, they never respond.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Since B.O.'s Harvard puppeteers wanted an inexperienced, America-hating, Constitution - disbeliever, why did he fool around with Kagan instead of just nominating The Worst Lady?

Every Dummycrat in the senate would line up just as slavishly to vote for MIchelle, who, once on the Court, would vote in favor of every lunatic clause and against every sane interpretation of the Constitution.

Furthermore, Michelle is prettier than Kagan, but, then, it doesn't take a lot to outpoint a cow.